Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] leads to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Width often leads to superficiality and depth may produce a blinkered approach and an intellectual treadmill .
2 Enthusiasm usually leads to growth , when coupled with sensitivity and knowledge .
3 Blind faith in training for training 's sake soon leads to disillusionment and frustration .
4 In order to understand them better we therefore need to examine their influence ; and this process of investigation also leads to elaboration .
5 The practice of ahi inevitably leads to Truth .
6 Working on an exhibition of this nature inevitably leads to reflection on the artist : ‘ The more I work on Rembrandt , the more fascinated I am and the more remarkable he becomes ’ was Christopher Brown 's assessment , ‘ in range , ambition and the achievement of that ambition he stands so far above his contemporaries ’ .
7 If it is your own mother who is bereaved , the fact that you are grieving too will probably help you both a good deal , as you will be able to share your sorrow and comfort each other ; though in some families shared sorrow occasionally leads to friction and unreasonable apportioning of blame for trivial or imagined omissions in the course of the terminal illness of the deceased .
8 The experience often leads to depression and serious illness ; indeed many people die shortly after retiring .
9 But narration is seen in The Dear Deceit as the original and persistent obstacle to ‘ truth ’ because the process of constructing a story inevitably leads to falsification .
10 Inability to absorb iron also leads to anaemia .
11 In psychoanalytic theory the attachment of a boy to his mother which leads to emulation of the father also leads to rivalry .
12 The failure to prioritise needs realistically or to genuinely recognise people 's individuality sometimes leads to competition for resources which badly damages the educational chances of some individuals .
13 This can have the effect of accelerating the build-up of atheroma which in turn eventually leads to heart disease .
14 The latter approach inevitably leads to distortion .
15 Repeatedly slamming the kick out to its fullest extent eventually leads to inflammation of the knee joint and damage to the supporting ligaments .
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