Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] none [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The shape-specific polymers continued to be passed on from potency to potency even after none of the original solute was left in the solution .
2 These two lines of super absorbent material work like dams , holding liquid back so that none of it ever reaches the elastic at the legs .
3 It retained its popularity even though none of the Hanoverian kings was an inspiring personality and none , with the possible exception of George I , a man of much intelligence .
4 The American boy turned in his seat and stared , expecting to see a fight , but the cowering Annamite accepted his beating meekly and none of the European passersby spared the man a second glance .
5 If having read this you feel you would like to offer time etc but none of these are what you are looking for then please ring either The Chairperson or Secretary who I am sure will be only too willing to discuss with you any further possibilities .
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