Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] ought to [be] " in BNC.

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1 international marketing research efforts ought to be controlled from the headquarters of the multinational .
2 Thus , using the distinction between mechanistic and organic organisations we can argue that insofar as we live in an uncertain world where political consensus is not guaranteed and economic stability is not assured then our public sector organisations ought to be moving more towards an organic , and away from , a mechanistic structure .
3 You can not blame a brilliant young player who takes , say , the $200,000 he or she is offered , to play just for one night but it inevitably gives them a totally false impression of life and what their tennis priorities ought to be .
4 In particular it was felt that swifter and more decisive action on the part of the SCB in response to warnings passed by concerned solicitors and local law societies ought to be effected .
5 The large , cheerful village of As Cain is an excellent first taste of this lushly rural hinterland and , although still almost at sea level , a possible place to stay , because it has good hotels set where village hotels ought to be , in the main square .
6 If General Motors has a worse credit rating than Toyota , its borrowing costs ought to be higher .
7 On this basis imitation tasks ought to be regarded as giving a conservative estimate of the child 's grammatical knowledge .
8 As the provision of day beds ought to be the responsibility of the trusts , will the Secretary of State take time today to condemn Labour 's vicious attacks on those individuals who have been selected to help run the trusts ?
9 In People v. Rosario ( 1961 ) 213 N.Y.S. 2d 448 four members of the Court of Appeals of New York , adopting the view of the United States Supreme Court in Jencks v. United States ( 1957 ) 353 U.S. 657 , ruled that the entire previous statements of prosecution witnesses ought to be shown to defence counsel after the direct examination with a view to his cross-examining those witnesses and attacking their credibility , saying that counsel were best able to decide what use could be made of the statements , whereas three members of the court took a narrower view and , following the line of authority which had hitherto prevailed in New York , held that defence counsel could examine and use only those portions of a statement which , according to the view of the trial judge , contained variances from a witness 's evidence .
10 Most of those who come to church expect and want to be able to sing , and the Commission believes that the music in parish churches ought to be substantially congregational .
11 If the less frequently attacked male groin must be protected by a guard , then it follows that chest protectors ought to be compulsory for female contestants .
12 Pension funds ought to be immune from the performance of the company to which they relate , so that employees ' pensions are safeguarded even if the company is experiencing difficulties .
13 And once it arrives , city officials ought to be held far more accountable than they are today for what they spend and how .
14 Such an ambitious programme , which could have at least some negative consequences in the member states , could be achieved only under the supervision of a supranational authority with the necessary powers to determine what the policies of the member states ought to be .
15 It involves not only a judgment about the way things are but also the way things ought to be .
16 One of the central ideas here is that persuasion through the use of enthymemes relies on what is expected , habitual and assumed , and not on truth , reality , or the way things ought to be .
17 In fact makes the claim that election expenses ought to be met from the public purse rather than the private purse of the candidates
18 A more ‘ scientific ’ approach to researching market opportunities ought to be taken .
19 Office workers ought to be told !
20 All estate agents ought to be called Spiders ' Parlours .
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