Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun pl] [vb mod] [not/n't] afford " in BNC.

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1 What action will the Government take to ensure that home workers obtain well-paid , reasonable employment — or does the Minister intend to revel in the Christmas season while home workers can not afford to do so ?
2 To help his British colleagues catch the selectors ' eyes , Tea Ropati , St Helens ' New Zealand three-quarter , has volunteered to take a substitute 's role at Warrington today in a match Saints can not afford to lose .
3 In summer , field men can not afford to be too tolerant of pollution , especially with watercourses exposed to the greater scrutiny that comes with recreational use .
4 One thing parents ca n't afford — especially our sort of parent — is that the whisper might be put about that they had been willing to toy with their own children 's safety .
5 Javier de la Puerta , chief spokesman for the World Fair , said the recent blows to ETA were ‘ very good news ’ but added that Expo organisers could not afford to be complacent .
6 Scottish food interests can not afford to rest on their laurels and must continued to expand their record of excellence to ensure their share of the food pound .
7 Bank Assistants can not afford to live on their current basic salary .
8 Bank Assistants can not afford to live on their current salaries and , as has been pointed out , a Bank assistant who also happens to be a bread winner would be better off on the Dole !
9 ( For example , the young critics suggested the cartoon kids should be barefoot since street kids ca n't afford shoes . )
10 ( For example , the young critics suggested the cartoon kids should be barefoot since street kids ca n't afford shoes . )
11 The prison officers can not afford accommodation in both places — in fact , they can not afford accommodation in either — and they are contemplating leaving the prison service for what will probably be a life on the dole .
12 Living where they do , mountain goats can not afford to be fussy about what they eat .
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