Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] around the " in BNC.

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1 These finely sculptured stele date to around the first century AD and the biggest is the largest single stone ever worked on by man .
2 Tacoma 's own programme had to survive a court challenge at around the same time .
3 Its bulletin , Christian Meditation Newsletter , containing spiritual articles and meditation news from around the world , is published by the community four times a year .
4 The only reason I make the point is that I understand ATP have rejected an appeal by the LTA to help guarantee the long term future of the November indoor tournament in Birmingham by lowering the $600,000 prize money to around the $300,000 on offer at the two competing tournaments in Moscow and Sao Paolo that week .
5 This year it is pinning its hopes on an 8% uplift in passenger growth to around the 82m mark .
6 They 'll be there to see airc raft from around the world at one of the summer 's biggest airshows .
7 A path leaves Horton railway station , a large quarry giving an industrial background to the first stage of the climb which continues to rise along the geological fault of Sulber Nick to come alongside the Allotment wall at around the 1300-ft contour .
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