Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] [art] background " in BNC.

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1 In calculating the scan score , it is essential to separate the abnormal bowel uptake from the background activity .
2 To discover if an upward shift of the proliferative compartment actually takes place , we examined the distribution of labelled cells and the labelling index of the background colonic mucosa in FAP and SCRC cases by ex vivo autoradiography .
3 I remember it as I saw it one evening , lit by the setting sun against a background of threatening clouds .
4 It should be added that the dinner , with champagne , liqueurs and cigarettes , cost £2.8s.6d. , and that the bombe à la Cecil appeared with an electrically illuminated ice windmill as a background .
5 He is seen here later in the year after posting to East Africa , with a Curtiss Mahawk in the background .
6 It 's also often an ideal time to update the family picture archive against the background of a happening which is in itself worth recording .
7 Note the metro bridge in the background .
8 If you do n't fancy knitting the entire motifs in lurex , then try knitting it or them in a plain colour and combine a fine lurex thread with the background colour .
9 What 's that shit music in the background ?
10 The previous chapter examined the effectiveness of the duty to act in the interests of the company in holding directors to the goal of profit maximisation against the background of the separation of ownership and control .
11 Beware of matching too many colours together — if you have chosen a fairly strong coloured mount then it may be easier to have a plain white or cream silk as the background , or you could use a plain mount card in a neutral shade like cream , behind the coloured mount of your choice .
12 In the picture shown in the photograph on the facing page , I chose a walnut oval frame with a gold line around the edge , and used a plain cream silk as the background , as I felt that this showed the roses to their best advantage .
13 Nobody wanted to challenge the status quo , especially with a clearly pro-nuclear government policy in the background .
14 This was then immediately scrubbed onto a piece of scrap paper until the charge of paint began to run out ; at that point a thin scumble was quickly put down by stabbing with the brush tip onto the background colouring .
15 The side of a ship , the Argo , shields along the gunwale , lies in a plane parallel to the background .
16 Both are carved in a basically flat plane parallel with the background , like the big creatures from Corfu though the modelling here is subtler .
17 While largely discursive , the project seeks to adapt and extend existing economic models of resource use against the background of what appears to be a changed environmentalist outlook .
18 Extrapolation theory as a background to understanding human action
19 Since the penetrance of this recessive susceptibility gene for Crohn 's disease in the homozygote was almost complete , the risk of disease in a child with one parent with Crohn 's disease induced by this gene and one unaffected parent is about 30×10 -4 — namely , half the estimated gene frequency in the background population .
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