Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [modal v] be said " in BNC.

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1 If BA can resell $300m of its United investment — ideally to US citizens - then its remaining equity share could be said to be only 21 per cent , airline officials in New York argue .
2 Although no meaning relation can be said to be totally without significance , by no means all conceivable relations are of equal general semantic interest .
3 A currency union by eliminating the political business cycle can be said to possess anti-inflation properties which are not necessarily present in an exchange rate union .
4 In the process Fanon might be said to have overestimated the extent to which , from subordination , it is possible to construct ‘ a politically conscious , unified , revolutionary Self , standing in unmitigated opposition to the oppressor ’ ( Problems , 30 ) .
5 Whilst any human cost of alcohol abuse could be said to be too great , it is important not to ignore both the economic and the social benefits associated with drinking .
6 For example the owner of a motor vehicle can be said to use it where he sits at the side of the driver , who is not his employee and the vehicle is being used for his purpose ( Cobb v Williams [ 1973 ] RTR 1 13 ) .
7 By 1818 , when the War of Independence was over and the Republican Revolution can be said to have been won , America had rejected both the Crown and religious establishment , and had accepted a creed that granted religious toleration and the ‘ natural rights of man ’ .
8 A concise statutory definition of insider dealing is not offered in the CSA 1985 , but conduct constituting insider dealing may be said to exist where : an insider deliberately deals as principal or agent on a recognised exchange in securities of the company in question on the basis of unpublished price sensitive information with a view to making a profit or avoiding a loss .
9 If all these separate grams occur then the candidate string can be said to be allowable .
10 well I , I think I 'll take agree Mr you know much more about these matters than I do , I just , my eye just lit upon that one I thought that would perhaps the one in which the insurance directive could be said to be attached , but if you 've told me it 's C I 'm perfectly happy to accept it as being C.
11 And so he sat there , a tame lion , drumming his fingers , while Esther and Alix and Liz his wife chattered on , about scandals and liaisons , about breaking marriages and delinquent children , about Ivan the Terrible , about the Post-Impressionist exhibition at the Royal Academy , about the Arts Council , about the Beaubourg , about modernism in architecture , about Brian Bowen 's views on his reactionary boss at the Adult Education Institute , about what the word quango might be said to mean , about Kate Armstrong 's latest article on the single-parent family and child benefits : chatter , chatter , female chatter , unstructured , shimmering , malicious , appreciative , acute , indulgent , shifting , rapid , unpunctuated , glancing , a light bright surface ripple on a deeper current , and Charles sat on , biting his inner lip .
12 What emerges from the space of humanism contradicts what once defined that space ; in this sense Fanon can be said to have followed the path of the perverse : a negation of the dominant is made from a trajectory that emerged from it — a deviation from , which is also , simultaneously , a contradiction of .
13 I shall discuss some theoretical issues , such as the relation of deixis to semantics and pragmatics ; the relationship between deixis which occurs in literary and non-literary texts ; and the link deixis might be said to make between context-dependency and truth-conditional semantics .
14 Requiem Mass will be said for Michael Paul Largey ( 18 ) , at St Teresa 's Church Glen Road after his body is taken from Andersonstown Park West at 9am .
15 By this definition , the question of what would count as a comprehensive health service could be said to be a polycentric one .
16 The locational analysis school can be said to have
17 In this way Foucault could be said to be returning to Marx in removing the subject from the centre of history , were it not for the fact that he dispenses with the consolations of Marx 's historicism also .
18 In the very simplest analysis , the task of curriculum implementation can be said to involve two main processes : first changing attitudes of policy makers , administrators , teacher trainers , supervisors , teachers , parents and ultimately ( the sole goal of the process ) learners ; secondly providing the materials and administrative means to make this possible .
19 The potential for change is therefore always present in variation , and may appear as a progressively greater or lesser favouring by the speech community of particular linguistic variants from among the variants that are available in the community at some particular time : to that extent change can be said to consist of change in community norms .
20 On the positive side , market penetration may be said to represent some sort of indicator .
21 The margins applied to the spot rate would be said to be at a premium , premium because it makes the US$ more expensive in terms of sterling to enable the cost to be passed on .
22 ELLEN 'S LETTER ARRIVED the following week by which time life could be said , by all but the most observant , to have returned to normal .
23 In the Hassan family , carpet manufacturing could be said to be a team effort where one loads , another weaves and another would then inspect .
24 The defeasibility suggestion could be said to provide an extension of the earlier requirement that there be no relevant falsehoods ; we now look beyond those propositions actually believed by the believer to propositions which would have an effect if they were believed .
25 In addition , another family member could be said to ‘ weld ’ it all together .
26 The credit for the laughter at the dinner table could be said to be shared between Henry and Frank Conway .
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