Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] everything [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 so you 've got a mix of everything in it
2 ‘ I have a bit of everything in me . ’
3 Jane Austen is ‘ irresistible — the swiftness of everything in her novels — the celebrity …
4 For , first , this method springs from Moore 's awareness of an important truth , namely that if we see the point of everything in its being a means to something else we empty the world of value .
5 There must be a unity of concept and content in everything from your banners to the banner headlines .
6 We have total control over everything from what designs we use , to actually selling them at gigs , ’ says Solowka .
7 At all events , John was singularly successful in the long run at turning his back on everything that smacked of Anglicanism ; he alone of all the Titford brothers managed to cold-shoulder St John 's church for everything except his marriage .
8 The obscure Boso , an alumnus of the monastic school at Regensburg , looks like the perfect exemplar of everything for which Alcuin had argued .
9 Much of the opposition to the ERA came from adherents to fundamentalist religious movements which take literally Biblical statements such as St Paul 's to the Ephesians — ‘ Wives , be subject to your husband as to the Lord ’ and ‘ As the church is subject to Christ , so let wives also be subject in everything to their husbands ’ .
10 But chemistry , remember , is the science of everything around you and you ca n't stop , therefore , advances in that field .
11 In apparent contravention of everything for which committed reformers had striven , the statutes stated explicitly that all land remained the property of the gentry .
12 But but these you know , you had your telephone number and you know , just had a whole statement of everything about you .
13 Lung are never short of ideas , but their appeal is seriously limited because they give us a small taste of everything on their creative menu but seldom enough of one thing to really satisfy .
14 In the beginning the gods created the world with everything in it organized on a permanent pattern .
15 I shall bring the cardboard box with everything in it , and you shall sort out exactly what you need . ’
16 Pat nodded her head , reckoning up the cost of everything in her mind .
17 When the sergeant visited you , he was supposed to sign your book — you had to keep up to date with everything in it .
18 This is a village of wide gabled houses , every one with window boxes full of colourful flowers ; of streets where you are more likely to come across a lumbering hay cart in no hurry at all , rather than an impatient motorist blasting his horn at everything in his way , and of friendly locals .
19 A matrix of colours that sing of tenderness and acceptance of everything except herself .
20 His stereotyped image of the single missionary lady was overturned with one stupendous " Wow " once he had met the outgoing Australian with the warm smile and alert interest in everything around her .
21 She gave much of her time and energy to everything in which she became involved .
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