Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] leads to " in BNC.

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1 In a small town in Surrey an old woman 's plea for help leads to an unsettling encounter
2 If the notion of the sufficiency of love leads to the neglect of social training , it is likely that the young plant ( to continue the metaphor ) will be blighted .
3 Fears of crisis as pound plunges : Collapse of confidence leads to 6bn pound drop in share values
4 Such debris from the practice of fishing leads to great suffering among wildlife and also among domesticated animals .
5 As we will see , however , the all-or-none conception of activation leads to some very powerful predictions , including some which are counterintuitive yet supported by experimental results .
6 A further deletion to -190bp leads to a strong decrease in NF-L expression , indicating the presence of a neuron-specific positive element .
7 This is in spite of the fact that he believes there 's no evidence that watching violence on screen leads to violence in real life .
8 Its door is open , and a trail of slime leads to a point in the middle of the floor where it suddenly ends .
9 I do not use only one type of filter , particularly undergravel , as this kind of flow-rate leads to problems with all the waste being drawn to the bottom where , inevitably , it finds its way into the nooks and crannies that a gravel cleaner just can not reach .
10 Either course of action leads to a constricted ledge and , to its right , a horizontal break leading out to a stance on the crest of Froggatt Pinnacle — yes , a two-pitch out-crop route !
11 Since the falsification of one hypothesis of similarity leads to the formation and testing of another , these differences are never settled , and so ‘ difference ’ is the sign of what psychology does not , as well as of what it does , know .
12 One explanation for the mechanism might be that the experience of unemployment leads to a generalized lack of trust in the institutions of authority and the state , which in turn makes people prepared to contemplate breaking the law .
13 This act of disobedience leads to the subsequent massacre .
14 Whatever the causes , the resultant disillusionment with employment leads to a reappraisal , a conscious or unconscious decision to allocate less energy to careers and to concentrate on comfort and relationship goals at work , and/or to satisfy the autonomy , recognition or power goals outside of employment .
15 Having shown how the advent to monogamy leads to the subjugation of women , Engels follows their increasing humiliation either as prisoners , as in ancient Athens , or as prostitutes .
16 To compare receptivity toward the Copernican innovation as a means of testing the hypothesis that Protestantism created a more favorable climate for science leads to few definite conclusions .
17 But conservatives claim that this sort of argument leads to the destruction of the moral foundations on which the social order is built : ‘ men can not for long tolerate a sense of spiritual meaningless in their individual lives , so they can not for long accept a society in which power , privilege , and property are not distributed according to some morally meaningful criteria ’ .
18 That sort of trauma leads to long-term suffering .
19 For the person who becomes a Christian the moment of comprehension leads to one conclusion only — commitment .
20 For Lenin , the growing conflict between Finland and the Provisional Government demonstrated ‘ that denial of the right of secession leads to a direct continuation of the policy of Tsarism . ’
21 The structuralist position derived from Saussure is anti-empiricist , inasmuch as its emphasis on the arbitrary and conventional nature of language leads to the view that knowledge is not in any way the product of experience .
22 Oscillations can occur in all the metabolites of the glycolytic pathway , in which the oxidation of one molecule of glucose leads to the production of two molecules of ATP , by a complicated sequence of enzyme-catalysed reactions .
23 The adoption of the evolutionary point of view leads to two very important conclusions .
24 As others may have different theories a genuine desire to prove a point of view leads to some lively debate .
25 David Eversley ( 1983 , p. 89 ) has suggested that marital breakdown on average leads to 1.5 new households in the medium term for every old household that is dissolved .
26 If the tax on capital leads to a fall in k , this means that part of the burden of the government expenditure is being shifted .
27 In conclusion , the combination of cisapride with ranitidine leads to a considerable and additional reduction in oesophageal acid exposure compared with that achieved by ranitidine alone .
28 A path through a mile of woodland leads to the waterfall .
29 The notion of champions is based on the false belief that protection from competition leads to long-term strength , but , as one economist has shown , where rivals cluster they are forced to innovate and compete most .
30 This rise in the rate of interest leads to a fall in investment spending , as shown in graph ( ii ) , which in turn causes the unc line to shift downwards thereby reducing the equilibrium rate of national income in the same way as in Possibility 1 above .
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