Example sentences of "[noun sg] prevent [pron] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Midge 's total lack of emotion prevented him from sharing his own grief with her and he found that unbearable .
2 His mouth prevented her from replying , violently possessing her lips while his hands roughly sought to drag off her bodice completely .
3 She made no attempt to prevent him from taking her into his arms , gave no sign that she knew of his presence .
4 Anything you can suggest as a remedy to prevent me from parting with my few remaining strands of hair will be welcome .
5 Only time and a falling tide prevented him from going up a nearby church tower and filming us again .
6 In the event , Tyndale 's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy .
7 The engines were just up there and their noise prevented us from thinking about how miserable it all might be .
8 Not to thank you , I mean — and Rose — oh , dear … ’ and her face crumpled , but the steely resolution which lay beneath her outward charm prevented her from giving way to the hysterics which she knew would take her over if she allowed herself to show any weakness .
9 This instinctive anti-Americanism was revealed most clearly during the Gulf War , in which the pretence that the Basic Law prevented them from sending troops was a mere figleaf for their initial failure to offer any political support to the American-led campaign ( Genscher remained silent for a week after the fighting began , although he and Kohl tried to make amends later ) and for their inexcusable prevarication about supporting Turkey in the event of an attack by Iraq .
10 Several physiotherapists mentioned that the active nature of the job benefited them physically and a number of people with sensory impairments believed that the nature of the work prevented them from becoming isolated .
11 The ERM prevents them from letting their currencies float downwards to adjust .
12 It is remarkable that our Ministers have failed in their responsibilities , claiming that European Community law prevents them from acting .
13 Maybe that 's why our law prevents us from adopting methods more than are sufficient for our needs . ’
14 On Oct. 23 V. P. Singh ordered Advani to be arrested under the Internal Security Act to prevent him from entering Uttar Pradesh .
15 Theda blanched even paler , a wicked flash and an ominous rumble preventing her from hearing the curse that issued from Mr Beckenham 's lips .
16 The review of directors ' managerial decisions can be viewed as being motivated by a similar desire to ensure that directors exercise their powers only in accordance with the will of their constituents ( the shareholders ) and that they are subjected to the controls often associated with the Rule of Law to prevent them from using their power arbitrarily .
17 Up until now there is no law preventing anyone from setting up a cable TV network , and the cable operator pays nothing to Star or any other channel .
18 Big Jimmy Hughes was Palace 's bulwark at centre-half throughout the decade 1910 to 1920 , and only the 1st World War prevented him from amassing a huge total of appearances for the club .
19 At first it had not mattered that the rain prevented him from going outdoors ; there was so much to talk about between himself and Uncle Walter ; they had not seen each other for twelve years .
20 Only simple embarrassment prevented her from correcting it .
21 Considerations of security prevented us from filming the machine which puts the layers into Vienetta … or the twirls into a tangle twister .
22 None of them could disagree that it was a species of tyranny that left an unhappy debtor to the mercy of a remorseless creditor whose affluence prevented him from knowing the sorrows of adversity and who , nursed in the lap of plenty , had never heard the call of hunger or knew the cry of distress .
23 Weakness kept him confined to his room most of the time and an overwhelming sense of guilt , remorse and failure prevented him from doing anything about writing to Liza .
24 Poverty prevented me from thinking that all is well under the sun and in history , ’ he wrote in 1958 , the year after he received the Nobel Prize .
25 Michael Williams , president of the Senate , resigned on March 8 , 1990 , complaining that his post prevented him from making comments on public issues .
26 Doubt may be ambiguous , an anomaly , an abnormal-normal , but the very kick-back in its double-edged nature prevents anyone from settling permanently in error .
27 As I mentioned earlier , they glide round in an arc and it is a hell of a job to prevent them from plunging into the weeds some way along your own bank .
28 Once the packet is opened , keep the pastry leaves covered with a damp tea towel to prevent them from drying out .
29 She wore heavy make-up and she had one of those unfortunate bulging figures where the flesh appears to be strapped in all around the body to prevent it from falling out .
30 As a result , Mr Vafa , who was living in France at the time , says that allegations of violence made against him by his former wife and her family went unchallenged and resulted in the interdict preventing him from molesting and attacking his wife or members of her family .
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