Example sentences of "[noun sg] simply [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The industry simply could not produce enough coal to meet the economy 's needs [ Ashworth , 1986 ] .
2 Defenders of a traditional cosmology simply could not allow that the earth was made from the same materials as the planets , for the latter were composed of a fifth element not found in the corruptible , sublunar world .
3 Quite a high percentage of bar codes could only be read in after several attempts , and a not insignificant percentage simply would not read in at all .
4 And , in the battle for sporting hearts and minds , Irish rugby simply can not afford that unhappy situation .
5 Such rapid recycling simply could not have happened either in socialist systems ( dependent on credit-by- fiat ) , or by Western governments attempting to get the taxpayers ' democratically elected representatives in government to vote the funds for expanded government-to-government loans , i.e. foreign aid .
6 Any standard piece of Western catering equipment simply can not produce the heat needed .
7 Also , a Third World country which depends on an export crop for foreign exchange simply can not change crops in times of recession — it takes several years and many dollars to restructure an industry and to plant new crops .
8 Regardless of the Indonesian investigation , will the Minister tell us exactly what the Government intend to do to convey to Indonesia the message that the international community simply will not tolerate outrages such as last week 's massacre of innocent mourners in East Timor ?
9 Even if it did , personal generosity simply can not cure basic social injustices .
10 In any case , it does not detract from my central theme that ‘ traditional ’ chemistry is brought alive by anecdotes and can be great fun , a feat that modern chemistry simply can not match except perhaps in the case of hydroxyethane ( ethanol ) , after a few glasses of which , who cares anyway ?
11 A business simply can not function this way .
12 The image of a body simply can not do justice , we are saying , to the reality of — and our complex emotional reaction to — overpowering physical realities like the sea or the night-sky ( however much we may be told that the stars are a twinkle in God 's eye ! ) .
13 But confessions of impotence simply will not do .
14 For working-class women , especially the many who lived still in conditions of severe poverty where their own wages were essential to the household , a decision to share a household with an elderly person simply could not mean full-time unpaid caring .
15 The human alphabet simply can not cope , and unless you know the sounds already ( in which case there is no point in writing them down ) there is no hope of learning them from these strange strings of letters .
16 Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing ; studies of the world 's changing climate , structural engineering , and medical imaging simply could not have progressed to their present state without access to the sort of computing power that can only be provided by parallel machines .
17 The Commission 's Director General Michael Dower said ‘ The countryside simply can not accommodate traffic growth of this order .
18 After all these years in office , does not the Minister yet understand that the British consumer simply can not afford the exorbitant cost of the CAP , which does not exactly help the British farmer either ?
19 Nonetheless , workaholism does exist when the sufferer simply can not stop doing his or her work in order to suppress uncomfortable emotions or change a disordered mood and despite severe negative consequences to his or her family and to the rest of a balanced life .
20 And for gentlemen , for men of property , the idea that the unpropertied working class should be represented in Parliament simply could not arise , any more than the reformers , with few exceptions , could enter into the minds of working people or sympathise with the political aspirations of their leaders .
21 The Royal Mint simply could not afford to replace them .
22 IT SEEMS that Pakistan cricket simply can not win with the English media .
23 ‘ This self-important manikin simply will not do … a unique combination of vanity , greed , and incompetence … his capacity for deceiving himself about his own motives would seem to be boundless … underdeveloped arm and shoulder muscles … a chronic inability to formulate sublime thoughts … if the production models are not a vast improvement on this pitiful prototype , God help us all … ’
24 We rely on natural raw materials , and without these your Company simply could not exist .
25 But it was clear to Marangos , just as it was to James , that the store openings and continuing publicity were creating a level of business which the financial resources of the company simply could not support .
26 International competition was the pace-maker for reform : reports like Early Leaving demonstrated the extent of academic waste , and this the country simply could not afford .
27 Erm very extensive business park development took place , land values on these industrial areas rose accordingly and all manufacturing uses were either er destabilized because their land values now became greater than the businesses that were on them , or new manufacturing plant simply could not acquire the land at affordable prices because there were always people willing to buy it for B one .
28 I subsequently established from Mr. Docherty 's mother that the other factor preventing him from living at home was the fact that his presence would have had an impact on the family 's eligibility for housing benefit and would have resulted in additional poll tax liability which the family simply could not meet .
29 In welfare benefit cases , the client simply may not qualify , even though the need is apparent .
30 It should be remembered that in the majority of cases involving the sale of ‘ family ’ companies , failure to conclude a transaction may place even our TIME based fees in jeopardy as the client simply will not have the funds to pay .
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