Example sentences of "[noun sg] ought to [be] a " in BNC.

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1 Although in principle agriculture ought to be a net producer of energy , converting the sun 's energy into the calorific value of food , modern agriculture is actually a net consumer .
2 I think the inside of the mouth ought to be a bit darker .
3 From the evidence presented above — and this is merely illustrative of the evidence available — it should be clear that corporate crime ought to be a prioritized concern because it is the more serious .
4 The home ought to be a safe haven , the place where people go to get away from fear and violence , and it is this fundamental feeling of safety which can be destroyed by child sexual abuse .
5 He issues an encyclical saying hard drugs should be made cheaply available to addicts to cut out the mobsters , and insists that every child ought to be a wanted child .
6 Now I understand er that you know we are providing public service here and we have got allow for public access but the cost of the council of having all its officers outside of this building for over er two hours must have been absolutely horrendous and I would have thought this would be an area where improving security ought to be a high priority so what are you going to do about it ?
7 They are , of course , Norwich City , a club so far ahead in the League that the title ought to be a formality .
8 you know , bits of this and bits of that but there again I think the family service ought to be a lot shorter than it is
9 You will need the who-dun-it tug more than in some other forms of crime fiction , and the murder situation in which you have involved the hero of your comic novel ought to be a serious one , otherwise the whole enterprise will seem merely frivolous an you will risk readers dropping out .
10 It seems unlikely that the breakfasts will alter much , but you will have to judge what would be acceptable for the two conferences ( we think that the evening meal ought to be a three course affair with a food cost closer to £2 or so ) .
11 The VL Bus version ought to be a screamer .
12 By any standards , being a big Hollywood studio ought to be a remarkably good business .
13 Surely the Minister ought to be a great deal more forthright and clear on the subject than that .
14 Once it is established that insider dealing ought to be a criminal offence , the question becomes : how much do we punish and why ?
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