Example sentences of "[noun sg] until it [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Push the pipe into the fitting until it meets the internal stop .
2 The voice spread like ink through blotting paper and seeped across his mind until it reached the nerve that knew it to be Bella 's .
3 It continued to lose weight until it caught the attentioin of a neighbour who reported to the RSPCA that winter .
4 Follow this path through Gleann Choinneachain until it fords the stream .
5 Slowly pull up the bar until it touches the chest , and then slowly lower it to arm 's length .
6 Bent-over rowing — slowly pull up the bar until it touches the chest
7 A line is fed through a peripheral vein until it reaches the right atrium of the heart .
8 The back avenue was a secondary way from the house , only as wide as a street , it ran between a shrubbery and a park-like field until it reached the farmyard wall .
9 In the garden a footbridge meanders over the Brook — the only section remaining in its original course until it reaches the railway bridge .
10 The returning sonar thus passes virtually unimpeded through the ‘ auditory window ’ , the delicate layer of tissue covering a thin lower mandible , travelling thence along the jaw until it reaches the auditory bulla , an auditory sense receptor lying close to the point of articulation of the lower jaw with the remainder of the skull .
11 He reached across and pulled up the blanket until it covered the boy 's chest .
12 It is very unlikely that any opposition party will win an election until it convinces the electorate that it has an economic policy which is internally coherent and a defence policy which measures up to its name .
13 Montgomery sipped his coffee appreciatively and allowed his gaze to wander round the cool green room until it reached the languid man draped in the chair opposite .
14 Our concern is rather to break away from the stale confrontation of reason and spontaneity which has persisted since the Romantic Movement , to invite the man of reason to admit that he never has had any ends which did not spring from his own spontaneity , and the intuitive and impulsive that no insight that flashes from theirs can be acknowledged as objective truth until it survives the ruthless justice of reason .
15 Third , it must perform its conspicuous , super-prey routine until it attracts the attention of the predator .
16 The process can be modelled by taking a balloon filled with water and pushing a finger in at one point until it touches the other side .
17 As firms set prices alternately over consecutive periods , price falls by small steps from the upper limit of the interval until it reaches the lower limit and then jumps back to the upper limit and the cycle begins again .
18 Lee 's proposed opening for the movie , based on a script written by James Baldwin , is an American flag being licked with flames behind a credit sequence until it forms the title X .
19 6 To remove the cartridge , hold the gun vertical , depress the clutch plate ( a ) and pull back the piston rod until it clears the end of the cartridge
20 The sequence Ct is positive and decreases in size until it reaches the level ω .
21 Now we 're in the Vale of Eden and the line runs west of the river until it crosses the loop at Great Ormside and into Appleby by its eastern banks .
22 From here it turns right to follow the shore until it reaches the mouth of the River Avich .
23 Though I was new to the island , I had read enough — from Henty to the Boy 's Own Paper — to understand that the spell of the South Seas , with its different tempo of life , must grow on a man until it reaches the stage where it can not be resisted .
24 Hiarc has apparently agreed and is arranging a temporary licence until it changes the name , a move Sparc International would probably insist on since Hiarc wants to move the software to non-Sparc platforms .
25 In plan , extend any vertical plane until it cuts the picture plane , PP .
26 The caddis chooses its stones carefully , rejecting those that are too large or too small for the current gap in the wall , even rotating each stone until it achieves the snuggest fit .
27 At that speed , pedestrians would have had seven seconds from the time the train came into view until it reached the crossing .
28 I stood staring at the jeep as it bumped and swayed over the uneven ground of the orchard until it reached the road and then disappeared in a cloud of dust .
29 Secondly , there is a progressive grading in the size of the material composing the beach from West Bay to Portland : at West Bay the shingle is small , about the size of a pea , and it increases progressively to the south-east until it reaches the size of one 's fist at the Portland end .
30 So I always imagine the pattern spreading outwards across my knitting from the N1 cam until it reaches the point cams , where it stops .
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