Example sentences of "[noun sg] towards the end of " in BNC.

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1 SynOptics Communications Inc , Santa Clara , California has announced a three-phase Asynchronous Transfer Mode strategy , in preparation for the launch of its Asynchronous Transfer Mode switch towards the end of the year .
2 Mr. Brittan 's statement of October 1983 made clear the division of the decision-making process into two parts , the ‘ tariff ’ period to meet the purposes of retribution and deterrence which the Secretary of State decides on the advice of the judges ; a review towards the end of that period by the local review committee ; and after the end of the tariff period , a possible further period , if the Secretary of State on the advice of the local review committee and the Parole Board decides that the prisoner 's continued detention is necessary because of the danger he might pose if released , and to maintain public confidence in the system .
3 The advantage of this approach is that spreads the review process , avoiding the ‘ bunching ’ of permissions for review towards the end of the specified period .
4 It was begun by Henry VIII as a hunting lodge and Queen Elizabeth I stayed there many times , finally buying the Palace because it was her favourite country seat towards the end of her reign .
5 An entry towards the end of his record card describes Moritz as ‘ looking very thin and pale ’ .
6 Henry was going to add a chapter towards the end of The Complete History of Wimbledon in which he planned to deal with the failure of nerve he sensed in the place .
7 The trick is to make the qualification time long enough so that the people who go to a club towards the end of their career and get large transfer bonuses do not qualify , but short enough for the players to feel that they will not have to wait half their lives to get theirs .
8 As far as I know , there are only two still in existence : one , the U.505 , was captured by an American task force towards the end of the war , towed up the St Lawrence and through the Great Lakes to Chicago where a special cradle was built for it to cross the Lake Shore Drive and then set up in a little house of its own in the Museum of Science and Industry .
9 Christianity became a powerful religious force towards the end of the period .
10 He was commissioned in the Royal Garrison Artillery towards the end of World War I. He obtained a third class in literae humaniores at Oxford in 1921 but a pass with distinction in the LLB at Edinburgh in 1924 .
11 Marx 's concern with anthropology towards the end of his life thus blended , as always , the political and the scholarly .
12 If so , their next place of call should be Sunset Hole , found south-west towards the end of the next allotment .
13 Very often the resident is aware of this gradual deterioration and the drawing towards the end of life .
14 However , an improvement in the economic environment is still expected in 1993 and an end to the decline in total construction work available , so bringing about an expected modest growth in our workload towards the end of 1993 .
15 The Heartbreakers were to fall from grace with violent rapidity towards the end of 1977 , only to re-emerge as cult heroes in 1984 .
16 A further setback , which directly affected the Champagne industry towards the end of the nineteenth century , was the publication of incorrect export figures by the French ministry of agriculture .
17 Mr Rawlins announced his intention to leave Sturge at some time in the future towards the end of last year although he had no specific plans for the next step in his career .
18 Revisions of knowledge and more intensive study towards the end of the course are good insurance , but do n't overdo it .
19 One afternoon towards the end of the voyage , when the sun was beating down and a fresh northerly wind was speeding the ship southwards , she leant out over the gunwale to look at the low strip of land that was in sight on the port beam .
20 This might have been expected to mitigate fear of death ; unfortunately , with the general decay of faith towards the end of the century , it was not only terror of hell that was declining , but also hope of immortality .
21 He aimed to operate an air route towards the end of this year , but he said it now looked likely that the service will begin early next spring .
22 The birthrate towards the end of the nineteenth century declined much faster than the deathrate .
23 After completing the course towards the end of 1987 , I joined one of the RAF Engineering Policy Branches within the Ministry of Defence .
24 The exhibition of ‘ The Cosmological Pictures ’ which has been touring Eastern and Western European cities since autumn 1991 , opens at the Tate Gallery 's Liverpool branch towards the end of this month ( 23 January-14 March ) .
25 In a brief statement Edwards said : ‘ I have told my board colleagues that I will not be rushed and will come to a decision towards the end of the season . ’
26 In a brief statement Edwards said : ‘ I have told my board colleagues that I will not be rushed and will come to a decision towards the end of the season . ’
27 The following heartfelt plea towards the end of Mrs Whitehouse 's book , Whatever Happened to Sex ? sums up her thinking on the subject :
28 Neighbours Manchester United have also shown an interest , while Celtic were represented at Ayresome Park towards the end of the season .
29 However , with the outbreaks of that disease in cattle beginning to plateau , Keith Meldrum , the Ministry of Agriculture 's chief veterinarian , has gone on record as saying he expects EC countries to start lifting the ban towards the end of the year .
30 The opposite is the case towards the end of the loan .
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