Example sentences of "[noun sg] believe [that] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 A body of representative groups headed by the Soil Association believes that it is possible to turn 20 per cent of Britain 's farming organic by the year 2000 .
2 Now , as the chairman said we base the salaries of directors on two elements an element of base salary which looks at market levels and we ergo , have a fair base which reflects a sort of medium to upper level of companies of this size we then leverage , very carefully , a bonus scheme related to performance and I believe that is the right thing to do and I believe and so do my fellow directors who sit on that committee believe that it is one of the reasons that we 've seen the great growth in this company over the last five years which you 've achieved and which actually the Chancellor of the Exchequer would very glad about because it is increasing the wealth and the benefit of this country , particularly as a lot of those earnings are coming from overseas and will in , in time be repatriated in Britain .
3 Within that framework the committee believes that it is not clear , firstly , whether external auditors are independent of the directors of the companies they audit , secondly , whether external auditors should be accountable to a wide range of stakeholders or only to primary stakeholders , and , thirdly , for what and to whom external auditors are financially liable if they fail in any of their duties .
4 Opponents to the development believe that it is intended as a means of attracting the winter Olympics to the area .
5 The majority believe that it is up to the Government to kick-start the housing market again .
6 Indeed , Ulpian puts the case of a seller of a female slave who knowingly allows the buyer to believe that she is a virgin when she is not ( D. ) , a defect which is treated as being strictly liable so that the buyer can return the slave .
7 To the question whether a man , who has intercourse with a woman believing that she is consenting to it , though she is not , commits rape , I think that he [ the ordinary man ] would reply , ‘ No .
8 The European Commission believes that it is of great importance for the completion of the internal market that a further protocol including the right of artists to claim an exhibition royalty be attached to the Berne Convention .
9 Because changes in church services arouse strong emotions and can lead to serious divisions , the Commission believes that it is sensible for a parish to have a worship committee or group .
10 AI believes that he is being made to answer for his active involvement in the Sudan Doctors ' Union and left-wing politics , his role in the non-violent protests which led to the overthrow of President Nimeiri in April 1985 and his outspoken criticism of the current government .
11 Cobb argues that social support arises in the eye of the beholder , and is anything that influences the person to perceive himself as the recipient of positive affect ; any information ‘ leading the subject to believe that he is cared for and loved … esteemed and valued … ’
12 In view of the constructive contribution which the Palestinian delegation , among others , made to the Madrid peace talks , does the Foreign Secretary believe that it is any longer sensible for Ministers to continue to refuse even to talk to the PLO ?
13 The spray from the falls is so dense that you can not peer into it and you must rely on logic to believe that it is the same water that makes the river that snakes along the gorge a few hundred metres away .
14 Perhaps it oversimplifies the situation to treat these as two quite different uses of such expressions as ‘ I believe that seems , rather , that it is built into the meaning of ‘ I believe that … ’ that it hovers between expressing tentative belief that what is specified by the following wording is so , and expressing belief or awareness that the speaker believes that it is so .
15 The Government believes that it is for the professional bodies and other organizations whose members provide legal services to satisfy the courts and the public that their members are competent to undertake representation .
16 Subsequently we have reason to believe that he is keeping additional narcotics on the premises and we have a right to search your home without a warrant . ’
17 Very often the history of an object is not known at all and there may be reason to believe that it is not all that it purports to be .
18 This problem has not yet been solved satisfactorily , but there is no reason to believe that it is incapable of solution .
19 This being believes that he is able to look and measure in all directions , whereas his observations are really limited to directions contained in the two-dimensional surface .
20 A social institution is ‘ legitimate ’ if it is perceived as morally justified ; the problem with the penal system is that this perception is lacking and many people inside and outside the system believe that it is morally indefensible , or at least defective .
21 We do not have to define him , or even believe that he is a ‘ person ’ , in order to believe that he is real .
22 the company believes that it is in a position to provide a product or service that would satisfy this demand profitably .
23 How can the Labour party believe that it is fair to value properties on the basis of the 1973 valuation ?
24 Some of those who accept the existence of a middle class believe that it is divided into many different strata ; others that it is divided , but only into two main groupings .
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