Example sentences of "[noun sg] council for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then they will ask the research council for the £30 million they will need for the project .
2 One idea , being mooted by some of the Russian representatives at the United Nations , is that the UN 'S trusteeship council , set up to look after colonies en route to independence , be converted into a trusteeship council for the planet .
3 A new organization , the World Industry Council for the Environment ( WICE ) , has been set up by the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ) to lobby on environmental issues for business interests .
4 He applied to the borough council for a transfer to the Hundens Lane area and claimed the council told him it was ‘ reserved ’ for travelling people .
5 Subject to paragraphs 5 and 6 below , the Funding Council shall have the power — ( a ) to acquire , hold and dispose of land and other property ; ( b ) to enter into contracts , including contracts for the employment of staff for the purposes of the discharge of their functions ; ( c ) to invest any sums not immediately required by the Funding Council for the purpose of their carrying on any of the activities which they have power to carry on ; and ( d ) to accept gifts of money , land or other property and apply it to , or hold or administer it in trust for , the purpose of the discharge of any of their functions .
6 The Chairman met MP Minister of State at the Home Office , to take forward an initiative by the Bar Council for a field trial of video linking to prisoners held on remand .
7 We were acting under the authority of the Security Council for the purpose authorised by the Security Council , and that did not extend to the invasion of Iraq otherwise than for the purpose of driving it out of Kuwait .
8 On April 2 hundreds of protesters in Tripoli succeeded in entering the Venezuelan embassy and burned down part of it ( the Venezuelan permanent representative at the UN , Diego Arria , having been president of the Security Council for the month of March ) .
9 They 've got two thousand seven hundred pounds in the deposit account , erm , they 'll be applying to Sidmouth town council for a grant , er the reason for the grant , they 've asked for two hundred and fifty , is to sponsor as many cadets as possible to take part in activities at Haven Banks .
10 CONSIDERATION is being given by Powys ' highways department to providing a right turning lane for traffic on the A483 trunk road in Newtown , following concern expressed by Newtown and Llanllwchaiarn Town Council for the safety of pedestrians crossing the road between the Do It All superstore and the Safeways supermarket .
11 His wife Paula is a member of East Hampshire District Council for the Alton South West and Beech Ward , and the couple live in the constituency .
12 The management plan referred to in your report was drawn up by East Lothian District Council for the developers , Parkdale Archerfield Ltd , to attempt to persuade Scottish Natural Heritage to withdraw its objection to the planning application .
13 ( 2 ) Where under an agreement an officer of a regional council is placed at the disposal of a district council for the purposes of this section , that officer may perform the duties of clerk or assistant clerk of the aforementioned boards .
14 If the chief of police reasonably believes that any conditions that he may impose will not prevent ‘ serious public disorder , ’ he shall apply to the district council for an order prohibiting for a specified period ( not exceeding three months ) the holding of all public processions or a specified class of processions .
15 The Meirionnydd Branch of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural Wales will award their annual Rural Wales Award this year to Pennal Parish Council for the work done in Pennal Churchyard .
16 Please find enclosed a cheque for £104.43 , being the audit fee for Nether Wyresdale Parish Council for the years 1989/90/91 as set out in your invoice No 42271 .
17 Please find enclosed a cheque from Nether Wyresdale Parish Council for the sum of £95.28 , being the LAPTC annual subscription ( £68.48 ) , a subscription for 4 copies of the Local Council Review ( £23.00 ) and the Area Hon Secretary 's Honorarium ( £3.80 ) .
18 But there would be new regulatory commissions and consumer councils for every utility , along with ombudsmen , and public interest commissioners appointed by the Secretary of State .
19 At the same time , funding from the New York State Council for the Arts was reduced by 56% .
20 The second was the proposal by the Gas Council for a terminal at Bacton in East Anglia to process North Sea Gas .
21 He organized the railway section of the 1880 international electrical and engineering exhibition in Edinburgh , and was vice-chairman of the executive council for the Edinburgh international exhibition of 1890 .
22 Norman Maltby , head of the council 's leisure services , said : ‘ We plan to discuss the possibility with the railway society of applying to Durham County Council for a tourism enterprise scheme .
23 In the meantine the Northern League club has approached Cleveland County Council for a grant .
24 The society now plans to write to Durham County Council for a grant .
25 He added DoT engineers had asked the county council for a list of suggestions for projects to consider during their investigation of possible improvements along the length of the A1(M) .
26 The college is run as a private trust , and leases the building from hereford and worcester county council for a peppercorn rent .
27 He blames Durham County Council for the decision .
28 Mogul — which began operations in Silvermines three years after the introduction of the Planning Act — never submitted a planning application to Tipperary County Council for the tailings lake .
29 Erm and I I 've requested an application form from the City Council for a demonstration for the big box pile up on the twelfth of February .
30 MANY people will applaud Liverpool City Council for the zeal with which they are pursuing those residents who have deliberately refused to pay their poll tax .
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