Example sentences of "[noun sg] pay for [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Each generation of workers is in effect paying for its predecessors ' pensions , in the confident hope that the next generation will pay for theirs .
2 He keeps getting two hundred pound to pay for his petrol .
3 That way , we are providing those front line services , that Councillor Taylor picked upon and Councillor Parker mentioned , such as Social Services that had been , that that literally been fleeced by the previous administration to pay for their capital projects .
4 The bid had to be hostile , and Tiphook , since it needed a rights issue to pay for its part of the deal , had to become a joint-bidder .
5 It now appears that , in addition to this , I will be expected to part with a further portion of my income as a graduate tax to pay for my education , the last three years of which I am spending in hospitals , not only studying , but assisting on a voluntary basis with essential clinical procedures and tests .
6 In 1379 , when Richard II levied poll tax to pay for his wars with the French , Skelton was recorded as having 137 people over the age of 15 years .
7 Contracts could be with a specialist unit outside the area , which would be able to keep its facility going by attracting patients needing that care and bringing with them the cash to pay for their operation .
8 How many times have you faced the glares of your fellow shoppers in supermarkets as you struggle to pack your bags with one hand and write a cheque with the other , or fumble around for cash to pay for your goods .
9 But there was a price to pay for their pleasures .
10 She 'd told him she wanted a break from her own very successful career — that had been bending the truth more than a little , but taking over the club , putting her own life on hold for a little while , had seemed a small price to pay for her father 's health .
11 There is a twang of self-satisfaction — even patronage — about his relentless signalling of his own good bloke-ism , but this is a small price to pay for his ingenuity and willingness to let his principles dangle .
12 David was jailed for four years after robbing a petrol station to pay for his drug habit .
13 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
14 Your father paid for your trip to Dublin , which you yourself admitted was unheard of . ’
15 at least fifty pound a week to pay for your food
16 His poor , hard suffering wife used to work every day at the laundry to pay for his excesses .
17 This means that we can use them for the riding school , muck the out etc … and the owner pays for its feed .
18 ‘ You should remember , miss , ’ said Bessie , ‘ that your aunt pays for your food and clothes , and you should be grateful .
19 If we can use it , we will of course pay for your tape .
20 ‘ That 's O.K. , the firm pays for my taxi , ’ I babbled , holding it out to him between trembling fingers as if it were a dead insect .
21 More would have gone if there had been money to pay for their fares .
22 ‘ Without the money to pay for your promises , your manifesto is not worth the paper it is written on , ’ said Mr Lamont .
23 ‘ I can easily understand how people can see seals as dewy-eyed little things but if you 're a fisherman who has just had 200 creels robbed and you have n't even made enough money to pay for your fuel never mind make a living , you would view them differently .
24 Though the artist was ill with tuberculosis and had no money to pay for his keep , Marama looked after him while he painted her over and over again ; sometimes nude , sometimes dressed , and nearly always against the background of island scenery — near the waterfalls and the secret pools , in dells that laced the volcanic slopes , in the village market , in the main street of Anani .
25 All you had to do was to hold up the negotiations until I got desperate and then bully me into authorizing the Japanese deal on the pretext of raising money to pay for my release !
26 She sent money to pay for my education .
27 How many people of the , how many of you here today , could actually pay for your home out of your income , if you waited until you have sufficient income to pay for your home in its entirety , the bulk of the people in this room , even though there are , yes , some rich farmers , still could n't afford to have a home .
28 ‘ My father arranged with Hercule to pay for her training .
29 The report says many of the tests and concepts used by alternative practitioners are ‘ speculative ’ and there is no justification to pay for their treatments .
30 Let it go before someone starts a fund to pay for his defence .
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