Example sentences of "[noun sg] can make a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do n't want to start crowing because we 're not up there yet , but if we keep on like this I believe this side can make a challenge . ’
2 One bad result can make a lot of difference to a league table at this stage .
3 Once the protection is acquired , the employee can make a claim that he or she has been unfairly dismissed .
4 If our club can make a difference , and it has in the past , we will send a tape straightaway . ’
5 Your local council can make a grant towards improving or repairing your home , and that can include a grant for making your home warmer .
6 So an unscrupulous lender can make a cash loan which will be used to pay rent arrears , say — knowing that repayments on the loan will make a rent of fuel bill crisis even more likely in future .
7 Any group can make a bid and will be considered seriously , but assistance will be given only for one management — employee buy-out team per company .
8 If my hon. Friend can make a case , we shall have to think about the issue .
9 The court can make a variety of orders — set out in s 461 of the Act — to which reference should be made .
10 The court can make a contact order when making a care order even though no application has been made ( s34(5) ) .
11 The court can make a family assistance order alone .
12 A good negotiator can make a customer feel satisfied after they have had to work hard for a small discount .
13 ‘ Only God can make a tree , ’ he said , ‘ but we can give him a hand now and then .
14 The pupil can make a measurement within the usual range ( 4b ) or outside the usual range ( 4c ) of the instrument to an appropriate level of accuracy .
15 But while as host her father can make a speech or toast to his new son-in-law , it would be a bit immodest for him to sing the praises of his own daughter , so often a friend of the family is chosen to make a speech and toast to both bride and groom , particularly if the father is going to speak later .
16 I do n't see how the supervisor can make a loss .
17 Any reasonably proficient man can make a woman feel special .
18 ‘ Yesterday was yesterday , and , as you so rightly pointed out , any reasonably proficient man can make a woman feel special .
19 Of course , vegetation and the nature of the soil can make a difference , For example , if acid rain falls on a spruce forest , the rain can become even more acid .
20 They know that just one small slip can make a joke in dance .
21 Even an inexperienced cook can make a pot-au-feu in its basic form .
22 Yet for all his diabolical skill , he can no more make this revue than one swallow can make a summer . ’
23 Here it is ‘ pasted ’ into a word-processing program , demonstrating how the Clipboard can make a program more flexible than its initial design .
24 ‘ It was a lovely meal , ’ he said as he lifted his hand in farewell , ‘ and I do n't have to tell you — nobody in the world can make a pork pie like yours ! ’
25 No individual MP can make a proposal to spend public money or raise taxes .
26 The Housing Executive can make a grant towards improving or repairing your home .
27 Excessive light and glare can make a person feel too uncomfortable to converse , and poor lighting can mean that important non-verbal cues are missed .
28 Being able to come up with a strong hook in a bass line can make a song .
29 Minimum premiums are just the smallest amount that Abbey as a company can make a profit on .
30 The par-four 14th provides a good example of how difficult the flag position can make a hole .
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