Example sentences of "[noun sg] would [be] limited to " in BNC.

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1 Another industry chief reiterating his position at Geneva was Fiat SpA chairman Gianni Agnelli , who said that Japanese penetration would be limited to 15 to 18 per cent for a transitional period , and after that all restrictions should be dropped .
2 However , even here there are some differences : the German position , officially supported by Bonn , is that work should be based on the international agreements signed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin , under which the issue would be limited to the return of treasures located on their territory .
3 The plantations would be open to foreign acquisition but overall foreign ownership would be limited to 30 or 40 per cent .
4 The maximum net dividend would be limited to the lower of :
5 The student intake would be limited to those who have a genuine literary sensibility , who are interested in poetry , and are already in the habit of reading it .
6 The agreement , like those that had preceded it , envisaged a directly elected presidency , and a bicameral legislature made up on a republican and a population basis , respectively ; central authority would be limited to those spheres of activity that had been specifically delegated by the members of the union .
7 Microprocessors for real-time control applications ( e.g. Motorola 6800 , Intel 8080 ) have instruction cycle times of 1 — 2 us and therefore a software.based closed.loop control would be limited to 25–50 instructions per motor step at high speeds , which would restrict control to simple functions , such as step timing , step counting and phase sequencing .
8 It soon became apparent that the working time each week would be limited to about two hours .
9 ‘ But the damage would be limited to the plane .
10 The effect of this endorsement is that in the event of a claim where the sum insured is inadequate , any payment would be limited to the same proportion which the sum insured bears to the value of the property at the time of the loss .
11 In any case she had not expected that her role in the assessment would be limited to receiving information back from an EWO : ‘ We did n't ask for it [ the assessment ] — it was the education system who said it should be done — if I accept them into my home I do n't expect them to disappear for twelve months , if they invited themselves in . ’
12 First , instead of a figure based on shares , the members ' liability would be limited to a fixed sum expressed in the memorandum of association on registration of the company .
13 As a result of the way in which the husband carried out this function the wife executed the documents believing that her liability would be limited to £60,000 .
14 Individual deposit insurance would be limited to $100,000 per institution , phased in over two years ( plus a further $100,000 per institution to cover a retirement account ) .
15 Communication would be limited to the attendees and readers of the published proceedings , posters to attendees only .
16 The implication would seem to be that some lives could be ‘ so demonstrably awful ’ that the doctor 's legal duty would be limited to making the child comfortable and allowing it to die .
17 Its jurisdiction would be limited to the Yugoslav conflict and to war crimes committed after 1 January 1991 .
18 For most of these children their attendance at school would be limited to a pitifully short period of their young lives .
19 Without this , human language would be limited to mentioning phrases , in principle indefinitely many , and in principle without restriction on their length , but still merely phrases , not construed into a whole capable of constituting a statement ( or a question or a command ) .
20 Some analysts have suggested the local press could be hardest hit and one recent newspaper report suggested VAT would be limited to those papers with circulations over 100,000 .
21 Its task would be limited to ensuring free and fair multiracial elections to a constitution-making body ( a constituent assembly ) .
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