Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [verb] a lot " in BNC.

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1 Det Con Dave Stanmore of Bootle CID said : ‘ It was a despicable crime which caused a lot of distress to the families of servicemen who died during the war .
2 So far we have had a tremendous response which has a lot to do with the product — it 's brilliant and people ca n't go wrong with it . ’
3 We had a head start as far as integration is concerned , because last year we offered a business administration ‘ fast track ’ access course which involved a lot of integrated teaching and assessment .
4 Matters have not been helped by the disastrous fire in the Piper-Alpha field which put a lot of potential production out of commission for a number of months .
5 My advice to Mr Stewart is to think carefully before entering into a career in medicine , as this is also a field which requires a lot of dedication , perseverance and long hours if one is to achieve anything worthwhile .
6 Raving Red Sam Sylvester had a bit of a chip on his shoulder about the status of the Hawkwood Comprehensive ( the Gasworks , as it was known locally , owing to the highly progressive architecture which featured a lot of ventilation pipes ) compared with the elite Greycoats Independent down the road .
7 I passed my physical test which involved a lot of running and exercise , only being beaten by Marius .
8 A random file which has a lot of empty space in it is described as sparse .
9 Often it is the company wife who is being quietly summed up to see if she can ‘ keep up ’ with her husband or pull her weight in a job which makes a lot of social demands .
10 The move to Bernard Ecclestone 's Brabham was to a team which had a lot going for it — it was owned by the man who was consolidating his hold on FI and had an outstanding engineer in Gordon Murray — and one serious defect .
11 For instance Bantu Education which the government encourages , is an effort to re-tribalize us ; to introduce an inferior kind of education which uses a lot of the African dialects , ostensibly to create a kind of pride in our culture , our languages .
12 We detected a buzz about Wolves last week which had a lot to do with the rediscovered youth of Cyril Regis .
13 And I ca n't help thinking that we might end up with a sort of repeat of the sort of situation that 's occurred at Octavius Atkinson site which is erm mentioned in the erm the paper tabled this morning , whereby er a sort of market-led approach which puts a lot of pressure on the local authorities may be at the expense of the planning-led approach to erm deciding where development should most appropriately go .
14 The continental crust , taken as a whole , consists of rocks fairly light both in colour and density which contain a lot of silica , silicon dioxide .
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