Example sentences of "[noun sg] or [prep] least a " in BNC.

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1 HMIs had already expressed a view that there was a prima facie case for the proposal , and the Council agreed that it would mean setting up a music board or at least an exploratory committee — and the DES music panel had offered suggestions of possible members .
2 There was always a subsidiary social and political objective behind Philipps 's reforming zeal , to combat crime and disorder through a reimposition or at least an encouragement of religious discipline .
3 What we need now is a tomato antidote or at least a little of the restraint implicit in the observation made in a French book of Dissertations Gastronomiques ( 1928 ) by Ernest Verdier , owner of the Maison Dorée , a restaurant celebrated in the Paris of the Belle Epoque .
4 You can seek help with it in a number of ways : there are your own staff and possibly other work colleagues ; and there may be a personnel department or at least a person with some training in this area .
5 Whilst the purchaser may wish to elicit the vendors ' considered expectations before giving any indication , it is doubtful that much progress will be made in satisfying the above objectives without the purchaser giving a suitably caveated valuation range or at least an indication of the band of earnings multiples/net asset premiums it may be prepared to apply .
6 Whereas a system by thirds means that it 's unlikely that the council or at least a lot of councils , will suddenly have a quick switch around and you 'll get a greater continuity of policy .
7 They seized the opportunity for independence or at least a new bargain with Moscow — regardless of whatever views might be held by the silent masses .
8 The pressures for independence or at least a greater measure of autonomy that emerged in the Baltic republics were the most serious of their kind that the Soviet leadership had to confront in the early Gorbachev years .
9 Mr. Collins asserted that they had either such a right or at least a right that Lautro should consider whether to hear them .
10 Given a tâtonnement process or at least a perfectly operating price mechanism which disseminated the information necessary to co-ordinate the plans of households and firms , the neo-classical comparative approach would be justified .
11 These were essentially fighting men , or milites strenui , making a career of arms and receiving the sword-belt from a superior lord , preferably a king or at least a count .
12 This emphasis could be justified on the grounds that economics or at least a version of it — lies currently at the heart of government discourse on higher education , but it also reflects the fact that there is more to go on , in terms of information and analysis , with this aspect of the undergraduate curriculum than with the other seven .
13 In ideal circumstances a son or daughter may be able to provide a granny flat or at least a bedsitting-room which the older person can call their own and where they can have some personal furniture and possessions as well as privacy .
14 The occasion of Wulfhere 's intervention in Surrey is likely to have been the death of King Ecgberht , which appears to have been followed by an interregnum or at least a contested succession .
15 Such pressures can lead to lack of environmental awareness or at least an understandable questioning of whether spending time or money or both on improving classroom ecology justifies the effort involved .
16 A young woman going to buy material for her Salwar Kamiz in Bradford or Newham would almost invariably be accompanied by her mother or husband or cousin or at least a friend .
17 The Crime and Punishment notebooks expend considerable effort trying to establish an overarching reason or at least an empirical scatter of factors , and failing .
18 Mrs Gray was a tall , fairish woman with a slight stoop or at least a tendency for her shoulders to bow forward round her chest .
19 A small dress : in a big print or at least a big colour .
20 The second attribute is that each paragraph should have as a first sentence a brief statement or at least an indication of what the paragraph is to consider .
21 I 'm incredibly lazy but I do think I 've found the right way or at least a better way than hers to live .
22 Firstly Muslims ( like Christians and unlike Hindus ) have set prayers which should be said during the day , so that Christian prayers can be regarded as a threat or at least an alternative to Islam , and secondly , while Hindu and Sikh parents often regard Christian prayers for their children as so much water off a duck 's back , Muslims , again like Christians or religious Jews , object to any other religious influence on their children .
23 Many still stand happily alone but they all know that without an ethernet or some other network port or at least a modem , they are very low technology in the world of the network .
24 Nevertheless I consider it essential that we try and reach an agreement or at least an understanding before the report is considered by the Finance Committee .
25 At the moment , you can get adaptors for computers to cope with some form of speech or at least a limited range of verbal instructions erm and in fact Apple computers and others have little packages which allow about thirty well-defined verbal instructions to , to go in .
26 I was glad he chose to wear it , for otherwise , in his shirt-sleeves and braces walking between us , it could have been mistaken for an arrest or at least a ‘ helping with inquiries ’ and the last thing I wanted was a street riot .
27 Er this is just to show income from building societies during the seventy five to ninety period , and the yellow line shows a decline or at least a jiggly line , which just reflects interest rates , and the un unit trust income rising over that time is the orange line .
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