Example sentences of "[noun sg] at least [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That means Mr Maxwell will remain at the helm of the club at least for the short term .
2 Although the king from time to time forbade ‘ puture ’ — the contributions in money and in kind exacted by the foresters — the levying of puture seems to have become a general practice at least by the fourteenth century .
3 Pragmatism claims to risk error at least about the right issue .
4 However , the scientists say they believed the layer would continue to thin every winter at least for the next eight years , after which a ban on use of certain gases will start to have a beneficial effect .
5 This radical treatment ( radical at least in the UK — it has distinct echoes of the accounting used in the old centrally-planned economies of Eastern Europe ) is a result of grafting on depreciation accounting ( and including the depreciation in prices ) to a cash accounting system .
6 Indeed , surprisingly enough , Mrs Thatcher 's reputation , in the doldrums at home at least to the end of 1981 , began to grow in foreign affairs as she became more self-assured .
7 This course would enable 5 Corps to be tactically disposed in the light of new policy , or ( b ) a proportion at least of the numbers should be returned to Italy and concentrated under the same arrangements that are being made for surrendered personnel of Army Group SW .
8 It seems certain that this took place at least before the divergence with chimpanzee , and since multiple KOX2-hybridising bands are also present in other apes and monkeys , the duplication event may have been prior to the branch points of most simian primates .
9 Work on the upper pond is progressing , and soon it should be a think of beauty and joy at least for the foreseeable future , if not forever .
10 Because of its foundation-plus-option course structure , it is difficult to place the Open University in the diagram , but it may tend towards the academic and general at least at the undergraduate level .
11 He will be in charge at least until the end of the season .
12 I agree with all the right hon. and hon. Members who said — I think that almost all who have spoken so far made this point — that it is very important to give Czechoslovakia , Hungary and Poland the prospect of joining the Community at least by the end of the decade , and to give them every possible assistance in meeting the economic and political conditions for membership as soon as possible .
13 This means that 69 per cent are not susceptible to medical intervention at least for the present .
14 With DNAaseI ( Fig. 2 ) , one observes a better protection of the hinge region between the two proteins ( phosphodiester bonds at -46.5 on the upper strand and at -49.5 on the template strand are almost insensitive to DNAaseI attack ) , and a more extended footprint in the upstream part of the CRP site at least on the upper strand , with the protection of phosphates at -81.5 , -82.5 and the appearance of two hypersensitive bands at -84.5 and -85.5 ( Fig. 2a , lane 2 ) .
15 We have enough racing in this country and I believe in reserving one day at least for the Lord .
16 Once at the station , the suspect meets the ‘ custody officer ’ , a person at least of the rank of sergeant and somebody who is unconnected with the case .
17 The version Cranko first appears in 1850 , but the two versions competed with each other at least until the end of the decade .
18 She had been so pleased when Dr. Briant had suggested she lunch with him in the medical staff dining room , aching as she was to get away for a while at least from the uncomfortable atmosphere of the Maternity Ward .
19 Immunochemical [ 12 ] and biochemical data support the involvement [ 13 ] of the α-subunit in CRP activation at least for the lac promoter and other related type I promoters .
20 For a long time , workers on this topic have debated whether defined origins of replication are involved , as they are in bacteria , but only now count Arturo Falaschi ( ICGB , Trieste ) reported that in one area at least of the wild-type human genome replication can be shown to begin in a single defined phase .
21 ‘ Orange badge holders should be allowed into the pedestrian area at least in the experimental period of six months , ’ she said .
22 The Leader of the Opposition said the other day , talking about education : ’ We will continue with the scale of commitment at least at the level of 1979 .
23 The last mill these waters powered was Awre Corn Mill , an old site in use at least since the time of the Domesday Survey , having reputedly belonged to Edward the Confessor .
24 The Government must look to be fairer to London , with equalisation at least in the grants system — perhaps on the basis of incomes , or by taking the regional banding approach .
25 Escort the interviewee at least to the door , again the behaviour at the parting point can be significant .
26 As indicated in the first chapter , there has evolved during relatively recent times a " traditional " listing of Muftis , the tradition beginning essentially with Mustakimzade and reaching perhaps definitive expression in the widely-used the equally widely-used chronological history by Danismend , and , more recently , Altunsu 's In respect at least of the origins of the institution this tradition has triumphed over another of some antiquity , advanced by Katib Celebi and followed by Hezarfen and the western authors d'Ohsson and Hammer , which names Hizir Bey ( d. 863/1459 ) , the first kadi of Istanbul , as the first Seyhulislam and which differs in several other respects from the now-accepted account of the succession of fifteenth-century Muftis .
27 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
28 If we take a narrow interpretation at least for the moment of strategic means it helps decide where it should go .
29 Company meetings can take a number of linguistic forms : the formal use of international ( or ‘ off-shore ’ ) English at the negotiating table , with informal exchanges in other languages ; meetings in the language of the country ( perhaps with interpretation at least of the whispered type ) or multi-lingual meetings where each participant contributes in his own language .
30 It was not until the crisis of late August 1939 , when the Nazi-Soviet pact was announced , clearly foreshadowing the impending attack on Poland , that the Labour Party and the movement at large shook off its hostility to the government at least to the extent of supporting , and in the crisis of early September demanding , an early declaration of war .
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