Example sentences of "[noun sg] do [not/n't] appear to " in BNC.

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1 However , these children did demonstrate the ability to shift or switch strategies if the one in force did not appear to be working — e.g. , ( 4 ) :
2 To some extent the blame for rural distress was attributed to the fluctuations in world markets , but as the zaibatsu did not appear to be suffering to the same extent , rural discontent was increasingly directed towards the alliance between politicians and industrial financiers .
3 It seems more likely that the tusks are used in hostile encounters between rival males , though , unlike the antlers of a deer , the babirusa 's backward-curving armament does not appear to be best designed for fighting .
4 However , this cross-domain recognition does not appear to be mutual .
5 As the fact of remarriage does not appear to be a relevant consideration ( see 2.25 above ) , remarriage alone would not warrant such a separate assessment .
6 We are left with only five texts in which the linguistic confusion does not appear to be attributable to textual interference .
7 The European consortium did not appear to us to be particularly cohesive in their aims and objectives .
8 The work did not appear to be just one of those relatively soul destroying , ‘ anything to keep them occupied ’ jobs that many prison inmates are forced to undertake .
9 She said that the public were becoming agitated because the council did not appear to be taking the toughest line possible .
10 Some floatplanes evince slight directional indecisiveness because of reduced stability from the large side area of the forward-mounted floats , but this aeroplane did not appear to so suffer .
11 Where the procedural matter in issue does not appear to be covered by any of the statutory provisions the court has an inherent jurisdiction to regulate its own procedure .
12 As it happens , the telephone does not appear to be working .
13 The two policemen who were shown into his room did not appear to be daunted by this .
14 This particular difference does not appear to be a physical requirement of the articulatory system since the last segments in English peak and park do not show the variation associated with the different vowel environments .
15 Does Nat Sec have any responsibility at all to ensure that the work is being done , and if so what is Nat Sec expected to do if an Area Sec does not appear to be doing his/her job effectively ?
16 Councillor Begg continued : ‘ Although at first glance , the council tax does not appear to be as complicated as the community charge , it is still a very complex tax compared to the rates .
17 ‘ Weather forecasting does n't appear to be your forte , ’ Vitor remarked , eyeing the wet spots which were beginning to dot his shirt .
18 Our parliamentary group does not appear to be in touch with grassroots opinion — it 's as if they are on another planet .
19 There 's no doubt that the Pertex will suffer from axes and crampons , and it flaps about horribly in a gale , but waterproofing does n't appear to be compromised by holes in the outer .
20 The same calculation for sharing a bed ( 22% ) should be viewed with caution since the ethnically specific relative risks associated with this factor do not appear to be homogeneous .
21 For households that did not qualify for council tax discount , data on adults other than the liable person did not appear to be necessary .
22 There was a significant risk of tumours of the cardia for smokers ( RR : 4.5 , p<0.001 ) , but alcohol did not appear to be a risk factor .
23 Consistent with this , the results of recent research on Kuwait oil fires indicate that the smoke did not appear to be rising high enough to reach the stratosphere , where transport may occur over considerable distances with soot particles remaining for months .
24 The notion that the media have ‘ amplified ’ football violence may have been tenable ten or twenty years ago , but the current scale of hooliganism does not appear to be much exaggerated by the media .
25 Water quality does not appear to be of great concern to these hardy fish , although an approximate simulation of Amazonian habitats does encourage them to exhibit better coloration .
26 At that point , the Russian spirit did not appear to be too affected .
27 However , the Government do not appear to be currently giving any commitment to provide funds or even to give British Rail the necessary borrowing authority .
28 The pilot did n't appear to be moving though .
29 Contamination of environmental surfaces within the Edinburgh outpatient clinic did not appear to be of clinical significance given the scarcity of evidence for nosocomial spread .
30 I have found that employers who are registered with the CITB feel that it is unfair if other companies which have set up just down the road do not appear to be on the board 's records .
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