Example sentences of "[noun sg] that lie on the " in BNC.

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1 He had broken through the terror barrier , perhaps , and was in the dead calm state of mind that lies on the other side .
2 Nicholson laid it on a piece of black velvet that lay on the work top , allowing his visitors to get a better look at the tiny object .
3 At the crash from the front door he came out of his chair and reached for a twelve-bore shotgun that lay on the pine table .
4 McIllvanney shook a cigarette out of a packet , then opened his briefcase that lay on the floor beside his chair .
5 Quickly she banished the memory , but as she was about to declare she thought he had a sauce , he had opened the folder that lay on the desk and , taking out a sheet of paper , inspected it through the lenses .
6 A large gloomy bedroom had been the setting of it , hung with draperies , not the kind of thing you would expect a child to sleep in , but it was a little child that lay on the bed , white and still , the elderly man , evidently a doctor , who had seemingly just lifted a looking glass from the parted lips , turning to the young father and imparting the news of death , while the mother in a transport of grief clung to her husband , her head buried in his shoulder .
7 He picked up the file that lay on the desk and flipped it open .
8 It turned from the storm and from those inside the office block ; its need focusing on the ruined corpse that lay on the pavement next to it .
9 She hesitated and her fingers began pleating a paper serviette that lay on the table ; then , glancing briefly at Rachel and taking a deep breath , she continued , ‘ But I was heartbroken over something else as well , and it was n't David .
10 Nails said , towards the kitchen door , ‘ I 'm goin' out , ’ picked up a leather jacket that lay on the floor , shrugged it on and opened the door again .
11 The Admiral reached for the pipe that lay on the table beside him , took out a tobacco pouch , filled the pipe carefully , lit it , sucked in the smoke and blew it out luxuriously .
12 Baron Frankenstein stands in his laboratory quaking with anticipation ; in half an hour a lightning bolt will streak from the skies bringing life to the thing that lies on the slab .
13 As he watched the young couple make love on the small bed , he lit another cigarette with the lighter that lay on the table beside him .
14 It is an appropriate name for a land that lies on the edge of Europe , at the threshold of Asia and along the northern coast of the Black Sea .
15 It was exactly like the map that lay on the table .
16 Lucy also left the bed in a hurry , fastening her jacket and then snatching up a comb that lay on the bedside table .
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