Example sentences of "[noun sg] that he [vb past] nothing " in BNC.

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1 Sartre 's character the Auto-Didact was working his way through an alphabetical subject catalogue , with the result that he knew nothing of subjects beginning with the later letters ; to learn mathematics by the route Algebra , Arithmetic , Calculus , Geometry … and on to Trigonometry would be bizarre by any conventional standard .
2 It was n't the nigger 's fault that he had nothing to do for the moment .
3 Indeed , in a remarkable episode , El Cid is said to have forced Alfonso to swear an oath on sacred relics to the effect that he had nothing to do with his brother 's murder .
4 So obsessed was he with the details of administration that he saw nothing inappropriate , while Governor-General of Nigeria , in personally composing a memorandum on the issue of chamber pots to second-class administrative officers : he was , he said , against it .
5 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
6 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
7 She could tell from his reaction that he found nothing there .
8 But I 'd just like everyone to know for Daddy 's sake that he had nothing to do with it .
9 Horsley cheerfully admitted when he took up the post of Chair that he knew nothing about newspapers .
10 North , the zealous visionary , besotted by his lone struggle against Communism , was so blinded by right-wing hubris that he saw nothing wrong in breaking the laws of the country he so devoutly wished to defend .
11 Brian Hillier agreed with the defence suggestion that he had nothing to fear from any so-called threats , he had already resigned from the club and he was awaiting trial for cheating the taxman .
12 But when she saw his look of mingled amazement and indignation , she knew beyond a doubt that he had nothing to do with it .
13 It was clear from Hans 's face that he knew nothing about the allegations .
14 When , on demobilisation , Freddie returned to Scotland , expecting to step into the role of country squire or glorified estate manager — despite the fact that he knew nothing about agriculture — it had been a shock to find himself coldly received by his in-laws and his wife , who informed him that she definitely intended to start divorce proceedings .
15 If she had n't known for a fact that he liked nothing about her she might have mistaken that note in his voice for admiration .
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