Example sentences of "[noun sg] he was talking about " in BNC.

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1 One minute he was talking about Leeds struggling against Wimbledon because they hoof it into the air , next minute that Wimbledon do/can play some nice football , the very next statement that they always just kicked it as hard as possible into the air .
2 Yes , it was all nonsense he was talking about it !
3 When he said he wanted the ‘ spark of fire ’ and intended to have it , it was n't spiritual love he was talking about .
4 Each time I got back to Rocamar Peter would say , ‘ Well ? ’ and I would shrug and pretend I did n't know what the hell he was talking about . ’
5 It was put in there to make us all wonder what the hell he was talking about .
6 Because in that paper there is a passage where Trivers says , if my theory is right , and basically it 's this Trivers Willard thing he was talking about , that parents and offspring will be in conflict about parental investment , he says , if my theory is right and if parents discriminate investment on the basis of offspring success , then he makes two predictions .
7 this is the book he was talking about that 's been brought back if anyone wants it .
8 The uncharacteristic fuss and fluster in Ivy 's manner was surely a proof that she knew only too well which letter he was talking about and was in mortal dread of the family finding out .
9 Although Reagan 's knowledge of foreign affairs was non-existent , to the point where if he was not prompted he often had no idea which country he was talking about , he needed little convincing by the American intelligence agencies that now was the time for America to start waging a secret war against its enemies .
10 ‘ And what , might I ask , sir , was he doing at the time he was talking about the bell ? ’
11 Erm you know , and these achievements , he 's not saying that you know re rev revolution 's the way forward , he 's actually saying look what 's happened before under the system that existed er previously , er well it actually existed , you know , at the time he was talking about , there does seem to be an effort by the peasants erm you know to , to improve their lot and therefore wha while he cites revolution in a way you , you can argue it is a bit strange because they seem to be , according to him , have improved their lot under the system that was there in the first place , erm
12 I realise from his point of view his company would be a quarter of a million better off if they could prove it should never have been paid in the first place , but … it is my mother he was talking about dammit ! ’
13 In fact he was talking about us , the boys of class 3B .
14 It did n't take her long to decide she had precisely two choices — well , one , really , because even though it was n't cold it would look wrong to go out in thin cotton to the sort of party he was talking about .
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