Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [verb] [be] told " in BNC.

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1 Apparently after weeks of anguish he had been told his job was safe .
2 He 'd arrived just after Vespers to collect the message he had been told would be waiting for him .
3 He denied any guns had been involved in the raid although Mr Beaton had said earlier in the trial he had been told he would be shot if he tried anything stupid .
4 A present employee must respect the confidentiality of his employer 's information even to the extent that he should not pry into information he has been told not to look at .
5 He had been twice into Ruane 's office , and the first time the block had been polite , and the second time he had been told rather less politely to sit on his hands and wait , like everybody else had to .
6 This was just as silly , he opined , as the yarn he had been told about the Sun being at a distance of 93 million miles from the Earth .
7 The street he had been told to walk down was narrow , dirty and empty .
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