Example sentences of "[noun sg] for about 10 [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The average Computer Security Manager has been in his job for about 10 months .
2 Carbenoxolone was the market leader for about 10 years but its structural similarities to the steroid hormone aldosterone was probably responsible for side-effects such as weight gain , oedema ( accumulation of fluid in tissues ) , hypokalaemia ( potassium loss ) and hypertension found in some patients .
3 Cover and cook the cranberries in 300ml ( 1/2 pt ) water for about 10 mins , or until all the berries have burst .
4 Mrs Buxton , aged 82 , plans to travel with the containers : ‘ We have been running as a charity for about 10 years and I usually go over with the donations to cities such as Krakow and report back on what is badly needed over there . ’
5 On Jan. 15 , 1990 , Centromín workers went on strike for about 10 days to demand improvements in wages and conditions and the release of Víctor Taype , the president of the National Federation of Mine , Metallurgical and Steel Workers ( Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros , Metalúrgicos y Siderúrgicos — FNTMMS ) , who had been detained in Huancavelica since November 1989 on terrorist charges .
6 Leave to chill in the fridge for about 10 minutes .
7 Cover the bowl and put it into the fridge for about 10 minutes , so that the gelatine just begins to set .
8 Fry the onions , celery , peppers and okra for about 10 minutes until soft .
9 ‘ I 've been learning the ancient Japanese martial art of san tu dang for about 10 years now and that helps me keep my weight constant .
10 He told the court at Wakefield : ‘ I was grappling with the pit bull for about 10 minutes to get it off and I also got bitten . ’
11 Cook under a moderately hot grill for about 10 minutes .
12 Stamp into different shapes , place on a greased baking sheet and bake in batches in the pre-heated oven for about 10 minutes .
13 Gently cook the onion and sage in the butter for about 10 minutes or until the onion is soft ( do not allow to brown ) .
14 He had whilst I was lying intoxicated on my bed in my quarter had oral sex , had masturbated over my body and had entered my vagina for about 10 seconds .
15 Fry gently over a low heat for about 10 minutes .
16 Cook over a low heat for about 10 minutes .
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