Example sentences of "[noun sg] have moved away from " in BNC.

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1 As the fashion for hair has moved away from the hard , artificial post-punk era towards more natural styles , the emphasis has been on hair care products that promote softness and shine .
2 ‘ The cannabis field has moved away from the drug abuse side of things .
3 However , suffering from badly-burned fingers , the venture capital industry has moved away from the riskier entrepreneurial start-ups to investing more in developing companies and MBOs .
4 Modern practice has moved away from official reference to two experts and an umpire so described , but the procedures are often quite similar in practice .
5 Er some neighbours cut each other 's lawn while they 're away so the grass does n't grow too long and make sure that the mail 's moved away from the letter box .
6 It should be noted that owing to the increase in size and complexity of modern business , the development of computer systems and the requirement that an auditor should review transactions over a period to report on the profit and loss account , the modern practice of auditing has moved away from a detailed checking of a mass of individual items towards a review of the systems in operation .
7 Current educational philosophy has moved away from focusing on the physical or sensory basis of disability and so it may initially appear that an understanding of the cause of a child 's disability is primarily a medical matter and not one of concern to the educator .
8 At the West end of the Church a beam has moved away from the wall by nine inches .
9 ‘ While recognising that these were a strong portfolio of major brands , we acknowledged that the business had moved away from TISL 's core development area . ’
10 In recent years emphasis has moved away from the teaching of ‘ craft ’ skills such as cookery and sewing towards the development of a range of practical and organisational skills which will enable young people to cope with the demands of living in constantly changing social and economic conditions .
11 The Government have moved away from their view that everybody should pay the poll tax and are making some amends .
12 Fashion has moved away from the big , glitzy authors because all that conspicuous consumption is just not admirable or enviable any more , ’ he said .
13 Recently , however , there have been many new initiatives ; the school has moved away from a ‘ basic skills ’ approach and now provides a much more relevant and purposeful curriculum .
14 However , the PC standard has moved away from original CGA toward EGA , VGA and even higher resolutions , so easing the display problem , while operating system vendors such as Microsoft and Digital Research have delivered environments closely matching that of the Macintosh .
15 Mr Bradfield 's arguments reflect the two reasons why the ASB has moved away from SSAP 6 .
16 The praise bestowed on the adaptation of literary classics , the films of the foreign directors , and the role of Vidor always stressed the relative realism of these films compared with the standard product and was testimony to the extent to which the feature film had moved away from the era of social preoccupations when it had been felt that social preaching was the obvious subject-matter for Hollywood .
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