Example sentences of "[noun sg] have come from [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Beside the big-name featured artists from America , other , no less vital , support has come from Britain .
2 The latest stage in the Guinness growth story has come from TV advertising , with the Guinness commercial in Indonesia being perhaps the most unusual in the group .
3 The balance of funding has come from trusts , companies , churches and individuals .
4 A large part of this week 's donation has come from Darlington firm Farmway who have contributed office space and a year 's associated costs worth a total of £5,300 to the appeal .
5 Much of the impetus behind such thinking has come from dowsers who realized that they were not just picking up underground water but something else , which they called telluric force .
6 18 March 1972 : A warning that the proposed US safety and emission control regulations could spell the death of the American car industry has come from BMW 's new Munich sales director , Bob Lutz .
7 The most severe criticism of GEAR has come from Booth , Pitt and Money ( 1982 ) .
8 Other teams in the 1993 contest had come from breweries including Whitbread , Fuller 's , Young 's and Courage and the event was held at Park Royal .
9 The biscuit tin had come from England , part of a Christmas parcel sent by Madeleine .
10 The Arnhem veteran had come from Salisbury for a memorial service .
11 The telegram had come from FIFA 's headquarters in Buenos Aires and informed the Scotland manger that one of his players , William Johnson , had traces of the proscribed drug Fencamsamin in his urine .
12 The sole promise of rewarding friendship had come from Sir Henry Agnew and his daughter ; yet both now , it seemed , were deeply engaged on speculative work of their own , and had taken to a life of almost complete seclusion .
13 The proposal has come from Scotia , but might equally have come from this side .
14 The money for the building which is based on a Kgotla , a meeting place in an African village has come from donations from across the world .
15 But a cautious welcome has come from freight hauliers — who favour blanket daily tolls rather than rush-hour only fees — on the grounds that clearer roads will speed their deliveries .
16 Additional evidence for the importance of mutation accumulation has come from experiments where artificial selection has proceeded by restricting breeding to young adults , releasing the late part of the life history from natural selection , an approach originally proposed by Edney and Gill .
17 This explained why the sounds of battle had come from east of this dell .
18 The final seal of approval for Connoisseur has come from Uncle Scrooge 's creator , Carl Barks , who at 92 , still marvels at the craftsmanship that transformed his cartoons into fine porcelain .
19 When Jim Haynes had been planning his shift from the Edinburgh Traverse to London in 1965 , the suggestion for the Jeanetta Cochrane venue had come from Harold Wilson 's all-purpose wheeler-dealer Lord , then Arnold Goodman , the Chairman of the Arts Council .
20 The sensation had come from Dexter 's imagination , a reminder that murder often had a smiling face and was just at home in bourgeois drawing-rooms as in seedy bed and breakfast hotels .
21 She was an English woman , now widowed , whose husband had come from County Galway .
22 Instead , the only effective exposure of prison conditions and pressure for reform have come from journalists , lawyers , judges and , indeed , international organizations such as Amnesty International .
23 An awkward truth though is that in the twentieth century some of the most committed political criticism has come from conservatives , like Eliot and the Southern Agrarians .
24 A request for a diary had come from friends of the broker whose daughter was due home from Arra in Zaire because of political troubles .
25 Until now her knowledge had come from conversation and confidences and such ; she had never before been in a morning court and listened to the proceedings .
26 The argument that a ban will drive ivory trading underground is plainly absurd , since up to 90 per cent of all ivory currently in trade has come from elephants illegally slaughtered by poachers .
27 Evidence supporting the theory has come from experiments on the interaction of sleep loss with other manipulations known to increase arousal level , such as incentives and noise .
28 Others she favoured included Nigel Lawson , her Chancellor of the Exchequer , the grandson of a refugee from Latvia , and David Young , to whom she gave a peerage and a seat in the cabinet — his father had come from Lithuania .
29 Her father had come from Lithuania and started working as a tailor 's presser , then he ran a clothes shop in the parlour of his house in Strangeways .
30 ON reporting to Chantilly on the morning of February 25th , Pétain and Serrigny found that ‘ the panic was at its peak ’ The fall of Verdun was expected momentarily , ‘ and everybody was saying that General Herr should be shot ’ Somehow it leaked out that Pétain had come from Paris , not Noailles , and the word was quickly passed round by those veterans of intrigue that he had first been to see the Minister of War , Galliéni , the implacable foe of G.Q.G. Doubtless the rumour helped augment the alarm in the air .
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