Example sentences of "[noun sg] have fall [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 An object 's appearance is the first way we recognise where it comes from : a Volkswagen ‘ Beetle ’ is an instantly recognisable shape even if the VW badge has fallen off the car ; likewise we recognise a Rolls Royce .
2 A great grief has fallen upon the kingdom and there is deep apprehension for the future .
3 The tailwheel has fallen through the surface and the yoke was broken , so an immediate take-off was out of the question .
4 Capital investment has fallen from the abnormal peak in 1991 , when we acquired Petromed in Spain .
5 It is important that you should recognise the legal obligation incurred once the Auctioneer 's hammer has fallen in the sale room .
6 In any event , the idea that Lazarsfeld had discovered a ubiquitous method of social research has to fall by the wayside .
7 The dog-handled pot-lids from Mochlos , for example , seem to show a particular dog relaxing on a particular afternoon in the hot bronze age sunshine ; the crowds in the miniature frescoes seem alive with the excitement of the spectacle they are witnessing , and seem to have been caught mid-shout ; the hoopoes in the Pilgrim Hostel fresco seem at first glance to have fallen from the pages of some bronze age edition of Audubon .
8 Ron 's glance had fallen upon the huge mound of nettle roots and bramble stems that was the product of Edward 's afternoon .
9 Her handbag had fallen behind the car seat when she 'd stopped at the traffic lights in town so several minutes were lost as she scrabbled for her pass , then when she drove into the car park she could n't immediately find a space and had to drive round several times .
10 Ulster champion jockey Paddy Graffin was taken to hospital with an injured hand after Late Stretch had fallen in the Mares Race , but he returned in time to ride Glenmavis in the final race .
11 A fresh sheet of snow had fallen in the night which now lay two or three inches thick , the cold wind freezing it hard .
12 But in the massive ballroom across the way there were only a few chairs and a sideboard or two , and even on a dismal day the light had fallen on the intricate design of a wooden parquet floor and pretty chiaroscuro frescoes painted into the panels of gracefully arched walls .
13 The sapling trees had grown tall in the twenty-five years since the Beeching axe had fallen on the single railway track , and , even leafless as they were , they effectively screened the view from the top .
14 Below him he could hear the passing wail of sirens , a familiar sound after dark had fallen over the city .
15 The number of people out of work has fallen for the third month running .
16 The number of people out of work has fallen for the fifth consecutive month .
17 But if the average size of a household has fallen at the same time ( this has happened in the UK ) then the income of each person in a household may have risen .
18 That proportion has fallen since the mid-1960s .
19 As the resistance R c is still included in the circuit the winding current can be monitored and when the control voltage has fallen to the transistor T2 is switched on again .
20 A thirteen year old boy has fallen through the window of his school bus as it went round a corner .
21 Another accolade has fallen at the feet of Patricia Grant , already honoured with an OBE by the Queen for her efforts in building up Norfrost , the domestic freezer supplier which exports 75 per cent of the 5,000 units it produces each week .
22 If you are feeling adventurous and you have a lot of children coming , you can make a second wall with pieces of chocolate surrounding it representing Humpty Dumpty having fallen off the wall .
23 He 'd never thought that you could shiver in a desert , but it was late afternoon and the sun had fallen behind the hills and a chill wind cut across the graves .
24 Queen Elizabeth 's vault in Westminster Abbey was examined in 1868 by Dean Stanley : ‘ There was no disorder or decay , except that the centring wood had fallen over the head of Elizabeth 's coffin , and that the wood case had crumbled away at the sides , and had drawn away part of the decaying lid . ’
25 After three years of exceptionally low rainfall , especially on the eastern side of England , it is of more than academic interest to know just how much rain has fallen on the garden .
26 After the rain has fallen on the roof , it runs down into gutters under the eaves .
27 There half an inch of rain has fallen in the same period .
28 Rainfall in October could reach record levels — more rain has fallen in the first two weeks than usually falls in the entire month .
29 As she passed the back door she noticed that the lid had fallen off the dustbin and the fresh spring wind was playing havoc with the bits of paper and odds and ends that lay strewn on the tiled path .
30 The rain had fallen throughout the night , and the largest pond , as usual , had formed around the Stores .
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