Example sentences of "[noun sg] have never heard of " in BNC.

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1 Over 30% in this study had never heard of the ATB .
2 ‘ Mushy peas are described as the Caviar of the North , but the average Chinaman has never heard of caviar and thinks the ‘ North ’ is Outer Mongolia . ’
3 Rain had never heard of it but Wickham and the rotund Italian who owned it were familiar .
4 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
5 The factory inspectorate has never heard of their existence .
6 Our driver had never heard of the Euston Road .
7 But that surely is a very interesting thought about this , and until the , er , Bishop of Bradford preached his famous sermon and all the thing blew up , people in this country had never heard of er , Mrs Simpson .
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