Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [be] aware that " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend has long experience in the mining industry and is aware that the proposed privatised operation at Monktonhall would be restricted to an underground work force of only 150 people .
2 Einstein , himself something of a mystic , discovered that time collapses into a ‘ point ’ at the speed of light and was aware that Indian sacred texts — the Tantras — maintain that the soul is a sublime point of the light of consciousness .
3 Because of the narrowing of one aspect of the fault element of murder ( cl. 54(1) ( b ) ) to " intending to cause serious personal harm and being aware that he may cause death " , manslaughter is extended into part of the area currently covered by murder .
4 I felt once again like a child , like a child who walks into a room and is aware that everyone there knows something about him that he does not .
5 Do what you can to deal with the problem during the day and be aware that sleeping difficulties are temporary and will pass with time .
6 We had wonderful and devoted parents and were always sure of a safe , secure background and were aware that we children mattered more to them than anything else .
7 Many children had a partial understanding of the process of evaporation and were aware that the decrease in water level was in some way connected to the sun and heat .
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