Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [art] society of " in BNC.

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1 He is a Chartered Colourist with the Association of the Society of Dyers and Colourists .
2 During these years he was elected FRIBA ( 1850 ) , freeman of the City of London ( 1851 ) , member of the Company of Fishmongers ( 1852 ) , and associate of the Society of Civil Engineers ( 1858 ) .
3 The author 's name given at the end was the Reverend Hereward Marr , Associate of the Society of St Sylvester .
4 ‘ He was an associate of the Society of St Sylvester and you , I think , were the archivist of the Society for a time . ’
5 From 1982 to 1983 , he was president of the Society of British Aerospace Companies .
6 He was the author of several political histories , President of the Society of Antiquaries , the founder of a prize for a historical essay at Oxford , and shortly before the competition he had persuaded the Government to take the first steps towards setting up the National Portrait Gallery .
7 It says much for the sense of humour of the untidy , bespectacled architect that after the initial shock of the Princess 's request , he accepted the relatively minor commission of building a dolls ' house for the Queen with enthusiasm , and immediately visited the Princess to discuss the project , bringing with him a mutual friend , Sir Herbert Morgan , President of the Society of Industrial Artists .
8 He was president of the Society of Public Analysts in 1905–6 , and vice-president of the Institute of Chemistry in 1905–8 and 1914–17 .
9 He served on the council of the Chemical Society and was president of the Society of Chemical Industry ( 1886–7 ) and of the Institute of Chemistry ( 1903–6 ) .
10 MIDDLESBROUGH council 's chief personnel officer is set to become the president of the Society of Chief Personnel Officers in local government .
11 , Robert ( 1560–1615 ) , priest of the Society of Jesus , and superior of the English Mission 1609–13 , was born in 1560 near Chirk , Clwyd , or in Oswestry .
12 Lord Alexander of Weedon QC , chairman of the Society of Conservative Lawyers , told the annual dinner of the Bar Association of Commerce , Finance and Industry that the Government should accept judges ' views .
13 The chairman of the Society of Authors , Anthony Sampson , has written to the BBC to protest about the shelving of ‘ Bookshelf ’ , broadcast for the past 15 years and the only programme on Radio 4 devoted specifically to books .
14 And both the organisations were co-signatories of a letter — signed also by leading figures in the book business , including BA president John Hitchin , PA president Paul Scherer and Anthony Sampson , chairman of the Society of Authors — which was sent in December to the Chancellor under the auspices of the National Book Committee 's ‘ Do n't Tax Reading ’ campaign .
15 They were part of a society of determined hierarchies , impregnated with religious values and defended by conservatives for their social as distinct from their economic functions .
16 Proast also stoutly defended the Church against popery in two unpublished tracts , ‘ A Brief Defence of the Society of St Mary Magdalen College ’ , and ‘ The Case of Reading the Declaration for Liberty of Conscience ’ .
17 Despite the high quality of this multifarious output , Cary 's only public recognition was the award of the Society of Arts gold medal ( 1804 ) for publishing Singer 's Cardiganshire survey ( 1803 ) .
18 Negotiations with other Anglican Franciscan orders led to the formation of the Society of St Francis ( 1936 ) , and Father Algy moved to Cerne Abbes in Dorset to take charge of the Home of St Francis at Hilfield , where Brother Douglas Downes had established a brotherhood for work among tramps in 1921 .
19 In addition , a joint consultation exercise with the Ethics Committee of the Society of Practitioners of Insolvency on a revised insolvency statement is well under way .
20 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
21 ‘ It is imperative that we accept the plurality of the society of which we are a part — this is absolutely essential for Asia , ’ he added .
22 In addition to DATEC 's Higher Certificates and Diplomas , there is a number of well-known high-level vocational courses like those leading to awards of a professional body , such as Diploma and assessment for Diploma membership of the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers ( SIAD ) , one of the more influential bodies in this area .
23 His colleagues honoured him , however , by the honorary fellowship of the Textile Institute ( 1955 ) , and the Perkin medal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists ( 1956 ) .
24 Minns was elected a fellow of the British Academy in 1925 , received the gold medal of the Society of Antiquaries in 1943 , and was knighted in 1945 .
25 In June 1968 , soon after receiving the gold medal of the Society of Antiquaries , she had a stroke .
26 In 1807 he received the gold medal of the Society of Arts , Commerce , and Manufactures , for his agricultural innovations .
27 He was awarded the Telford gold medal of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( 1967 ) , the Royal medal of the Royal Society ( 1968 ) , the James Watt medal of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( 1969 ) , and the Churchill gold medal of the Society of Engineers ( 1970 ) .
28 Mr Clarke , speaking in Southport at the annual conference of the Society of Family Practitioner Committees , insisted that what was planned would not be a cash limit for drugs .
29 The warning came from , president of the Insolvency Practitioners Association at the Scottish conference of the Society of Practitioners of Insolvency .
30 In Berlin , the same man , Anton von Werner , was director of the Royal College and leader of the Society of Artists from 1887 .
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