Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] upon [art] " in BNC.

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1 Again and again in the past two or three years , Mr Smith quelled dissent by saying that only his policy of studied respectability and his concentration of tax upon the top 20 per cent of voters could win .
2 Care has to be taken not to remove too many leaves as it is the effect of sunlight upon the leaves immediately above the fruit which will ripen the grapes and not the sun directly on the fruit itself .
3 Jacquemin and Sapir use share analysis to study the effect of integration upon a country 's trade over time .
4 Richard Fynes noted that : ‘ The men were sufficiently endowed with natural interest to be observant of the effect of wind upon the ventilation of the mines , and even as late as 1822 , before barometers and thermometers were generally used in the pits to indicate the state of the temperature , if the wind were blowing from the southeast threatening rain , the men refused to work . ’
5 While this may provide some justification for ensuring that the decision-maker indicates what was the factual basis for his action , we should be extremely wary of developing review of facts upon the premise that all such material could or should be considered .
6 Trover began as an action of trespass upon the case in which it was alleged that the defendant had converted the plaintiff 's goods to his own use .
7 ‘ I stopped occasionally to photograph a design branded upon a distant hillside made up of countless squat semi-circular walls protecting a meagre crop ; or limp onion plants resemblant of hieroglyphs upon a furrowed wall ; or a track which seemed to lead to only more emptiness ’
8 Evangelicals and others in the mid-nineteenth century still placed the central responsibility for the upbringing of children upon the family .
9 It would be an interminable occupation were it not for the fact that what one learns about the landscape of one town often throws a flash of light upon a topographical puzzle in another .
10 A verbal answer , which will do as part of the Language game of ordinary life , is that I put the immorality of prostitution upon the mat in a way quite comparable to putting its increase on the mat .
11 These included the cancellation of Recordership sittings on the South Eastern Circuit , correspondence from the School of Law at the University of Warwick upon a research proposal into procedures for challenging confession evidence and reviews of the annual report to the Supreme Court Procedure Committee 1990/91 and the report of the Legal Aid Board to the Lord Chancellor relating to legal aid aspects of multi-party actions .
12 Second , to investigate the influence of firms upon the localities in which they operate , through detailed studies of estate agents in three contrasting housing markets areas D Richmond , Cardiff , and Blackburn .
13 It views the connection between culture and job regulation as occurring through the shaping influence of culture upon the attitudinal characteristics of the actors and , therefore , on their behaviour .
14 The influence of climate upon the landscape
15 Two broad groups of alternatives to , or extensions of , the denudation chronology model may be discerned , both dependent upon the influence of environment upon the researchers .
16 Arrows provide a second linear means of expressing movement , and therefore the passage of time upon a canvas .
17 In the dim light from the street-lamp her face was very white — and the stain of blood upon the sheets looked almost black .
18 Once again , this division does not accord with political affiliation ; Baudrillard attacks Marx and Marxist assertions of natural utility with as much vehemence as contemporary critics attack modernist architecture as an elitist imposition of ideology upon the general public .
19 The imposition of Christianity upon the greater part of Saxony took Charles until the very end of his long life .
20 He followed the traditional approach of considering separately the imposition of burdens upon a third party from the conferring of benefits , and stressed in his commentary the requirement of good faith prior to becoming a party to a treaty .
21 Furthermore , each child learned at a different pace in every subject area and this pace was uneven , reflecting the whole range of influences upon the child external to life in school .
22 ‘ Often at loggerheads with Holyoake , Greening , Hughes and other advocates of the ‘ 'bonus to labour ’ and the development of Co-operative Production by means of independent Societies under producers ' control , he was able to impress his personal philosophy of Co-operation upon the Movement and to win for himself a position of recognised leadership . ’
23 And they couldn't 've well for example with taxation , they could 've erm not taxed the rich peasants at all and then just put all their erm their sort of focus upon the poor peasants and got their income through them and also with land , they could 've just not given any land to poor peasants who were inefficient and given it all to the rich peasants and really gone for a capitalist state .
24 No strong pattern emerged in the effect of mothers ' place of occupation upon the mortality of toddlers and of children aged 2–3 years .
25 He addressed Stok by his rank alone — usually a sign of friendship in the Soviet Army — put another limp file of papers upon the desk , and then whispered into Stok 's ear .
26 The crackling of a fire , the dawn chorus of the birds , the sound of waves upon the shore ; most of these go unnoticed and yet each of them can give a great deal of pleasure if we could only learn to become aware of them .
27 It is like throwing a grain of sand upon the sea-shore to-day , and thinking you may find it to-morrow . ’
28 The case reports are littered with tales of business tenants losing their statutory rights by not complying with such technicalities as the time limit for the service of notice upon the landlord indicating an intention to renew .
29 His grizzled hair was cropped tight , a pad of wire upon a rock-like skull , and implanted in his brow were two shiny steel studs .
30 A Sacred Heart of pink and maroon stands serenely upon one wall , reflected in a small square of mirror upon the other wall .
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