Example sentences of "[noun sg] be held to be " in BNC.

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1 In Jones [ 1981 ] Crim LR 119 , minor abrasions and a bruise were held to be actual bodily harm , though the case was thought to be on the margins .
2 Thinking is held to be an effective activity which involves mental ‘ work ’ .
3 Budget maximization is held to be both rational and necessary for survival .
4 Visual search is held to be multifaceted in nature , involving the growing regulation and interaction of children 's visual , linguistic and cognitive systems .
5 Where , however , regulation to forestall the socially damaging or self-destructive tendencies of the system or to rescue the poor is involved , state action is held to be deeply inadequate and seriously counterproductive .
6 This practice was held to be lawful in an earlier case , in which Lord Justice Woolf referred to ;
7 Whether in fact any such obligations have been created depends on the construction of the lease ; and there is nothing which requires the lease to be constructed in such a way as to avoid , if possible , the creation of such obligations ( Bradshaw v Pawley [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 10 , where liability for rent was held to be retrospective ) .
8 Indeed , in Tolson this was expressed to be the case even where the crime was held to be one requiring proof of a mental element .
9 In Jones v Livox Quarries , the plaintiff 's position on the traxcavator was held to be one of the causes of his damage , although the most obvious risk to the plaintiff was that he would fall off .
10 Frightening a woman by looking into her bedsit at eleven at night causing her to fear violence was held to be immediate despite the fact that the victim could have escaped in the time it would have taken for the accused to get to her : Smith v Chief Superintendent , Woking Police Station ( 1983 ) 76 Cr App R 234 ( DC ) .
11 English cases are few , but a threat to get back money owing to the accused falls within s.34(2) ( a ) ( i ) : Parkes [ 1973 ] Crim LR 358 ; and a threat by a person suffering from osteoarthritis to a doctor that he would shoot him unless he was given a pain- killing injection was held to be blackmail in Bevans ( 1988 ) 87 Cr App R 64 ( CA ) , a decision which extends blackmail beyond being a property offence .
12 Not only are personal data not protected if a Cabinet Minister certifies that exemption is required ‘ for the purpose of safeguarding national security ’ ( a rather vague and wide catch-all phrase ) but there are other exemptions where the protection afforded by the Act is held to be ‘ likely to prejudice ’ the prevention or detection of crime , the apprehension or prosecution of offenders , or the assessment or collection of any tax or duty .
13 If the third party act is held to be a novus actus interveniens , then the defendant is not liable for any damage occurring after the act .
14 It is important to remember that if one act is held to be the sole cause of the damage and that act is one of the plaintiff , then the plaintiff will recover nothing .
15 Each of the five judgments rambles over the territory in what can only be called a head-scratching way , making it impossible for the consumer of the judgment to know at the end just what the law is held to be , except negatively , and then only negatively on a few points .
16 God 's plan is held to be comprehensive , and has been set for all time .
17 It will be recalled that , according to this theory , a stimulus is held to be fully effective only when it is able to generate the Al ( primary activation ) state in the node that constitutes its central representation .
18 Barley was not terrified of ‘ that most horrible of birds , the owl ’ , would pick up ‘ a chameleon , whose bite is held to be deadly ’ , and handled the claws of an ant-eater , believed to be potentially lethal .
19 The question is held to be one for the unrestricted discretion of the jury or magistrates who are allowed to find that even a bruise is enough .
20 Shelley and Partners Ltd , Mr Rose 's refusal to accept employment some 60 miles away from his home was held to be a reasonable refusal .
21 Thus , in Doughty ( 1986 ) , the crying of a 17-day-old child was held to be sufficient to fall within the requirement ( even though such an infant is not aware of the significance of what he or she is doing ) , whereas someone who loses self-control after a storm or explosion has destroyed his property would be outside the requirement .
22 Thus in Couturier v. Hastie ( 1856 H.L. ) a contract to sell a cargo of corn was held to be void because , unknown to the seller , the ship 's master had already sold it in Tunisia , as it had begun to ferment en route .
23 Philosophy was held to be a ‘ second-order subject ’ concerned only with reason , logic and the clarification of thought .
24 This seems to be at variance with John Jones where a number of incidents over a period were held to be duplicitously charged as a single count of affray .
25 In McAvan v London Transport Executive ( 1983 ) 133 NLJ 1101 reports prepared by a bus crew and an inspector after an accident were held to be privileged as their dominant purpose was to ascertain blame if a subsequent claim was made .
26 First , the Common Good' is held to be an illusory concept , which in practice is rarely used to refer to any aim that can fairly be called ‘ common ’ and which might not even refer to a good' at all ; pursuit of ‘ the Common Good ’ is therefore not useful as an identifying objective of democracy , and Schumpeter prefers to identify democracy not by its objectives but as a method .
27 Again , since truth is held to be individual and also fallible , rulership will be both conditional and also temporary ; because clearly the views as to what is true and therefore proper for government to act upon will change from time to time as opinion fluctuates amongst the body of the people .
28 The infant is held to be beset by anxiety which is believed to be related both to the notion of the death instinct , and to its confrontation with the complexity and contradictory nature of its environment .
29 The cause of the accident was held to be the unsafe system of work used by the plaintiff 's employers rather than use of the premises .
30 Thus , when the trustees applied the dividend monies for the benefit of the actor 's minor children the actor was held to be taxable upon the same .
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