Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adj] before [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A fresh and un-jetlagged mind is advisable before you set off .
2 Not all sites so developed , of course , and much more research is vital before we understand the full nuances of settlement expansion and contraction .
3 A gradual recognition by the parents that their approach does not appear to work is necessary before they will try another approach .
4 Just how that 's going to be accomplished we do n't know , we 're not party to the discussions , we understand that the Greater York authorities do plan to meet shortly after the end of this examination , but just what further work is necessary before they then get onto the location aspects we do n't know about that , all I would say is that we would expect final plan to have the general location of a new settlement embodied in in that plan before it is approved .
5 These include patients whose coping resources are temporarily exhausted , those who require further assessment , and patients for whom the mobilization of additional help is necessary before they can begin to cope with their difficulties .
6 ‘ My brother , thought he would dine before he obeyed the summons , and by this delay the child was dead before he arrived …
7 But distinguishing why changes take place is problematic before we have the evidence , as in Jonson 's case , of an author wishing to impose authority on to a text .
8 You could try adding a glass of white wine , an onion and a little celery and leek , if you must , but make sure that the court bouillon is cold before you start .
9 Sometimes they are not even informed that the waste is hazardous before it arrives on their doorstep .
10 If your body is tense before you hit home , you will only slow yourself down .
11 She sipped absently , so desperate to remember who she was and how she came to be here that the mug was empty before she realised it .
12 It is instructive to recall that the cause of conservation was conservative before it was ever radical .
13 The man was dead before he hit the ground .
14 He had mistakenly believed that total retirement from first-class cricket was necessary before he could avail himself of the pension fund for West Indies Test cricketers .
15 Ling was thoughtful before he said , ‘ So you think it will stay that way ?
16 Large quantities of frozen food are nowadays delivered regularly to stores and the Service must ensure that the temperature of the stock at the time of delivery is correct before it goes into the cold store .
17 How long had Eddy been dead before they noticed him ?
18 Senior registrar appointment committees assume that accreditation is necessary before someone is appointed to a consultant post and that accreditation will be granted only after four years of higher training ( eight years for a doctor training half time under the PM(79)3 scheme ) .
19 Britain would have liked the scientific committee to be asked to present clear evidence that radioactive dumping is damaging before it could recommend a ban .
20 Some movements of organisms , certainly in man , are ‘ functionally positive movements directed towards stimuli ’ , and ‘ the nervous system is active before it is reactive ’ .
21 But I 'm afraid the trail was cold before I called them in , and we did n't take it the length of broadcasting or advertising .
22 Second , the affection for medievalism is literary before it is architectural , and architects themselves invariably refer it back to the same lines from Milton 's Il Penseroso ( c.1631 ) :
23 The cement was freezing before we were able to apply it to the bricks .
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