Example sentences of "[noun sg] must not be forgotten " in BNC.

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1 His incredible story must not be forgotten in Ayrshire .
2 But while these ‘ broad brush ’ features of the story must not be forgotten it is important also to try to single out characteristics of Britain 's development that help to explain the particular shape of its own social policies .
3 At the same time , the element of price competitiveness must not be forgotten .
4 These do not concern us for Kursk guberniia , which was almost exclusively Great Russian and Orthodox , but the traditional independence of the Old Believer elements in the Siberian peasantry must not be forgotten .
5 Finally there may be a role for either haemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis , and cadaveric renal transplantation must not be forgotten , although assessment for such treatment can only be undertaken at a few specialist centres .
6 From time to time various other forms of undercutting have been attributed to wind but the possible effects of other agencies , such as wetting and drying near the surface and salt weathering must not be forgotten , though they are doubtful as explanations of abraded wooden telegraph poles and even these can not be attributed to gnawing by desert rats .
7 Primitive worlds or pagan savage and Old Testament prophet must not be forgotten : they are essential to the struggle between good and evil .
8 A very low-fat start to the day is tomatoes or mushrooms on a slice of wholemeal toast ; and the baked bean must not be forgotten at this time of day .
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