Example sentences of "[noun sg] even though it have " in BNC.

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1 In this game someone offers help even though it has n't been requested .
2 Nevertheless , the tendon developed in the right place even though it had no muscle to which it could attach .
3 Education performs political , social , as well as economic functions and it is thus too important to be made the slave to the needs of the economy even though it has no option but to be its servant .
4 Ruby did not want to , she wanted to talk about her technique even though it had let her down .
5 Given the wide scope of the charge to CGT , a large number of exemptions from this tax bite are granted to make the system fair and workable , A company may be able to avoid CGT liability even though it has made gains of a capital nature , by means of various reliefs and allowances .
6 The curtilage of a building will include the ground that is used for the comfortable enjoyment of that building even though it has not been marked off or enclosed in any way ( Sinclair-Lockhart 's Trustees v Central Land Board ( 1950 ) 1 P & CR 195 ) .
7 This is leading towards the idea of ‘ invariance of mass ’ — there is still the same amount even though it has changed form .
8 The boldness of this interpretation lies in allowing the validity of the trust even though it had not been addressed to the daughter and had not been intended to be paid by her .
9 ( 8 ) The bidder always runs the risk that at the hearing of the petition the court will exercise its discretion not to sanction the scheme even though it has been approved by the requisite minority of members ( see para 2.4.7 below ) .
10 There is also the possibility of practice expressing the free will of the individual even though it has no other form of expression than the appearances available to consciousness .
11 One of the most bizarre elements of the whole plutonium jigsaw is the fact that at one time the government sanctioned , at cabinet level , two private companies to own some of the material even though it had been produced by the electricity generating industry .
12 The only freedom that the Government appear to understand is the freedom of the market even though it has so patently failed to deliver enough housing , child care or training .
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