Example sentences of "[noun sg] [unc] view of the " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ rule of thirds ’ has been treated as the standard method of division , but other arrangements were sometimes made which might reflect the contractor 's view of the likely profits to be won from a particular campaign .
2 No attempt will be made here to discuss the chemistry of polymers but certain terms used by the chemists must be defined if the simple physicist 's view of the polymeric state of matter is to be understood .
3 And the electorate 's view of the Conservative Party would depend upon its success in creating a Defence policy that was perceived to give reasonable security at lower cost .
4 The standard land lawyer 's view of the nineteenth century heritage … is portrayed as one whose lands were fettered by the strict settlement , whose buildings were falling into ruin and whose agriculture was stagnant .
5 , Principal of Fife College , gave the seminar his college 's view of the problems presented and opportunities provided by the new system of validated courses .
6 In his book Gotcha ! — The Media , The Government And The Falklands Crisis , Robert Harris noted the dismay of Ministry of Defence officials at the readiness of British tv to report the enemy 's view of the war , even using Argentine footage .
7 Generally , though , management 's view of the process had become ‘ it 's as good as it 's going to get . ’
8 This made a difference to the boy 's view of the situation .
9 However , there will also be in some cases the judge 's view of the relative culpability of the prisoner and co-defendants .
10 A child 's view of the older generation is clearly very partial .
11 Nevertheless to consider the National Curriculum as a list of subjects runs the danger of expressing it in a way which over-emphasises information and a narrow range of skills at the expense of the development of a full range of socially useful skills , attitudes and ideas , which is usually the concern of interested parents and can even be seen in a child 's view of the purpose of education .
12 The portable screens are designed to fit round the witness box when needed to block the child 's view of the defendant but allow them to see magistrates and lawyers in the case .
13 In the first place , the Christian 's view of the Old Testament must be Christ 's view of it .
14 New evidence from the Middle East suggests that it may not be so simply explained , while a recently published account of a biologist 's view of the myths embedded in Genesis lends some colourful support to a broadening of outlook .
15 In a classroom it can give you the students ' view of the teacher , it can give you the teacher 's view of the students or it can be an observer which sits at the side of the class and looks from one to the other .
16 It could be said that scripture 's view of the Devil and the evil spirits is mythological .
17 I share the hon. Gentleman 's view of the importance of GATT and of all aspects of the negotiations .
18 This was the European Court 's view of the requirement of the West German Insurance Supervision Law to the effect that foreign insurance undertakings must set up an establishment in West Germany and ‘ keep available there all the commercial documents relating to that establishment ’ , for which separate accounts must be kept .
19 The limited nature of the Court 's view of the employee 's option needs to be understood .
20 Increasingly , we seem to be talking about the unity and meaningfulness of discourse in terms of conformity : to another person 's view of the world , to shared stereotypes .
21 A cartoonist 's view of the future
22 The book gives readers a rare insider 's view of the Waffen-SS — why young men volunteered , and what kept even section-strength units together in desperate situations .
23 The common woman 's view of the Devizes to Westminster Race
24 In any case , all of these uses evoke the speaker 's view of the possibility of someone being so audacious as to perform the event denoted by the infinitive , and all imply a negative prejudice against such a thing being possible .
25 We have seen in this chapter how , in less than half a century , man 's view of the universe , formed over millennia , has been transformed .
26 So , if society 's view of the world is changing that much , that fast , people should be confused .
27 Each firm 's private assessment of the marginal benefit of output , namely the output price received , would coincide with society 's view of the marginal value of output to consumers .
28 The Cabinet is set to approve the white paper setting out the Government 's view of the long-term future for coal and other energy resources this morning .
29 An industrialist 's view of the polytechnics , and incidentally of the CNAA , was offered in 1970 by Sir Arthur Norman , President of the Confederation of British Industries .
30 All the people that he painted that Ehrenburg knew resembled their portraits : ‘ What is extraordinary is that Modigliani 's portraits resemble each other ; it is not a matter of an assumed style or some superficial trick of painting , but of the artist 's view of the world …
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