Example sentences of "[noun sg] [modal v] appear to be " in BNC.

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1 The truth is that learning new skills does take time , and progress may appear to be very slow .
2 But remember — the retailer may appear to be giving something away , but he 's in business to make sales .
3 Such a horse may appear to be a rather solitary animal , but if the other horses had been removed in his absence , he would have been upset and uninterested in eating .
4 This guidance may appear to be rather imprecise but one particular application of it has resulted in the following list of parameters in two different groups .
5 A group of Bengali mothers who attend their children 's primary school in East London to be helped towards an understanding of English language and the mysteries of local government administration might appear to be making an insignificant contribution to their children 's educational well being .
6 Despite the absence of any traces of body or coffin ( apart from some nails in the fill ) in the central pit , the whole monument would appear to be the probable grave — or cenotaph — of an important official which was erected sometime around the middle of the second century .
7 The mind would appear to be fairly deft and rapid in its on-line operations : is it really incapable of referring to rules even when under conversational pressure ?
8 The hospitality industry would appear to be little different , plenty of women involved in the industry , enjoying a majority over men in hotel and catering degree courses and yet the percentage of managers remains heavily stacked towards , generally speaking , the heavily built sex .
9 The result would appear to be that either ( a ) there is no contract or ( b ) there is a contract , but governed by neither set of terms : in effect , an " open " contract , depending solely on the common law rules and any relevant statutory implied terms .
10 The question in this latest tragedy would appear to be whether those guidelines were followed .
11 Therefore , the typical position where the landlord grants the tenant a rent-free period at the commencement of the term would appear to be outside the scope of VAT , at least for the time being .
12 The real loss would appear to be substantial .
13 Yet , now more than ever , force would appear to be the only way of ousting the general , and Syria alone capable of supplying it .
14 Er and that means that the president 's attention is both diverted from substantive concerns and it also means the president , there 's a limitation on the extent to which the president can appear to be partisan .
15 The next case might appear to be a bit shorter , but in fact it asks you to consider rather more factors , over a longer period , and from a rather higher management level .
16 Our next case might appear to be a return to the single unit problem , but it is actually more complex than that .
17 But although at first the converse might appear to be true , I believe it 's actually more difficult ( and therefore expensive ) to assemble a worthwhile bass that functions with pleasing efficiency — particularly in this cost-conscious area .
18 So , for example , Bitstream 's Dutch may appear to be a perfect match for Linotype 's Times at 300dpi but when they are output at a typesetter 's resolution the minute differences will be more exaggerated .
19 Hawkeye may appear to be an amalgam of a couple of things , but in our minds , mine and Daniel 's , he is an Indian .
20 To advocate the starting of the process on a very young child might appear to be heartless , but the overriding need to generate within the child mind the beginning of a conscience and the instinctive urge to activate it , must be the guiding factor .
21 This line of case law would appear to be challenged by the wording of Article 100A(4) of the EEC Treaty , introduced by the Single European Act .
22 As would be expected , such a use would not be possible with make , since the law would appear to be actually bringing about the paying of taxes ( " concurrent causation " ) : ( 166 ) * The law makes everyone pay his taxes , With oblige , on the other hand , the tax law is depicted as simply imposing a state of obligation in the present , which leaves the future actualization of paying taxes up to each individual , who may or may not actually pay them .
23 The key meeting of the Transportation Committee would appear to be Monday 8 February .
24 The county council would appear to be somewhere in the middle , based on the range of views that have been submitted to this E I P .
25 The issue would appear to be a novel one so far as the researches of counsel go .
26 Some area officers are concerned that the new common core would appear to be lengthening the total training period during which a trainee will need to be under close supervision .
27 Interestingly enough , the really hard to place child would appear to be not the young mentally or physically handicapped child , but the older child coming into care from a muddled family situation , possibly where child abuse or neglect have figured in his early life .
28 In the light of facts like these , if one were to judge the issue on purely practical grounds alone , sarvodaya would appear to be a more dignified and humane doctrine .
29 If the purpose of the law is to protect women from acts of sexual intercourse to which they have not in fact consented , whether by reason of force actually applied , physical or other threat , or fear induced by the accused or by others , then the relevant question would appear to be : Did this particular woman , in these particular circumstances , submit to this particular man ; or did she in fact freely consent to have intercourse with him ? … if the law deems the woman to have consented to the act despite ample evidence of threats which rendered her submissive but non-consenting , then the law can not be said to be serving its true function of protecting individuals from the imposition of non-consensual sexual intercourse . ’
30 Richard Jones 's comparison experiment , briefly reported above , showed that users felt lost if they moved just one step from their original searches by choosing to " look at books classified near this one " , although the dialogue would appear to be a reasonable compromise between clarity and verbosity ( Figures 5.6 and 5.7 ) .
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