Example sentences of "[noun sg] [be] [prep] [det] extent " in BNC.

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1 Accusations of republican and Communist domination of NICRA and attempts to link the civil rights movement to subversion and violence were to some extent understandable responses by Unionists to the events in Derry .
2 ‘ An out-party sometimes forgets that the power it exercises as an opposition is to some extent in the hands of journalists ’ ; the more supportive the press is of the opposition party , the more pressure it can bring on the party in power .
3 There are critical windows of time during which maturation must be achieved ; failure of maturation is to some extent irrecoverable .
4 The position under the Act is to some extent speculative .
5 Even in the Constitution on the Liturgy , approved in the second session , where a theology of liturgical pluralism is to some extent accepted , there is no use of the word ‘ church ’ in the plural nor of the phrase ‘ ecclesia particularis ’ ( particular church ) , though the thought of the constitution would have benefited from such use .
6 There is also a suspicion in some circles that the campaign is to some extent driven by a form of ‘ closet unionism ’ ; a motive the Belfast campaigners attribute freely to their Tory counterparts .
7 The sting of this question was to some extent drawn for Schleiermacher himself by the fact that he so closely identified immediate self-consciousness with God-consciousness as to believe that he had found a real and solid bridge between the two sides of the matter .
8 The exposures for the field of view calculation and reference strip placement are to some extent arbitrary .
9 The present pavement is to some extent gauged to enhance that relationship , which will be savaged by the proposed reconstruction of pavements .
10 Since , however , this is an object relation — that is , since that bad object is itself a part of the ego — this denial is to some extent also a denial of a part of the ego .
11 Coal as an export commodity is to some extent a casualty of the shift in the economic mix of the Western industrialised nations away from energy intensive ‘ smokestack ’ industries and towards higher added value , higher technology industries .
12 Because the experience of parenthood is to some extent idealized in our culture we have chosen to draw attention to stressful aspects of the transitions involved .
13 The relevance of this policy to the rights of floating charge holders is that the procedure for enforcement of a floating charge is to some extent treated as an insolvency proceeding .
14 This picture is to some extent endorsed by the artillery themselves .
15 They looked along the Atlantic coast of North America for places in which to settle , and they might have been more successful in founding colonies if they had not at the same time been engaged in what they saw as a desperate struggle to save their religious and political liberties from Catholic Spain , although the Spanish would have said the war was to some extent intended to check the rather aggressive interpretation the English placed on the idea of the freedom of the seas .
16 This is starting to become a trend in Britain as well , although the planning system which encourages standard development is to some extent acting as a block .
17 This criticism was to some extent pre-empted in the report by recognition of such difficulties and there has been a movement in recent years to a further disaggregation of the relevant geographical unit .
18 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
19 Friedman has always had a special insight into certain areas of the repertoire ( some of it surely gathered from his great teacher Max Rostal , who died 18 months ago , and whose achievement was to some extent being celebrated in these recitals ) .
20 Information about shape and size will of course be to some extent writer dependent .
21 During the short period of political troubles between the Old and Middle Kingdoms solar and Osirian ideas of the afterlife were to some extent merged and there occurred a democratisation in funerary beliefs .
22 Dr. Leadbetter then commented on the other side of the coin ; the problems of under-funding were to some extent compensated for by the rewards of hard earned success .
23 But response rate is to some extent within control : a Modular Course survey of staff satisfaction with modification of a scheme for mapping courses on to timetable hours , yielded an ( internal ) postal return rate of 35 per cent .
24 In the United States this ideal is to some extent a matter
25 Cullen is a Morse veteran , the cast is to some extent interchangeable , and the story is re-jigged so that instead of opening in Paris — as in the book — it began with the Fellows ' Winter Feast at St Mark 's College , with intrigue and skulduggery at high table .
26 As the Secretary of State has said , today 's debate is to some extent a re-run of the debate that took place on 16 April , and we shall be deploying some of the same arguments .
27 The prediction in relation to language learning is to some extent confusing .
28 This mass discovery of the countryside was to some extent a car-borne movement , a consequence of a rapid rise in car ownership as prices fell with the application of mass production techniques to the manufacturing process .
29 Nevertheless , these unresolved problems concerning the ratification of the treaty are to some extent diverting attention from the more positive medium-term outlook .
30 Income support is , of course , only paid on test of need , but in assessing a person 's means certain forms of income such as disability pensions and a reasonable level of capital are to some extent disregarded .
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