Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] merely [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If this argument is correct then the critical distinction between civil and enterprise association would appear not to be a qualitative distinction but merely one of degree .
2 In many others , the new governments were faced with a situation of having either virtually no press worthy of the name or merely one in which the colonial government or settler point of view had been dominant .
3 With the DES having to settle for this , and with the Diploma being seen in higher education as merely equivalent to the first two years of a degree programme , it became not an alternative track in higher education , but an ambiguous poor relation to the degree .
4 It refers to ‘ factions ’ and treats the interim government as merely one among a number of factions .
5 Their variety of style and organization is equally remarkable , and it is regrettable that — owing to the fact that merely eight of them were published in his lifetime in miscellaneous collections of Arie spirituali ( 1640 ) and Ariette ( 1646 ) — we have few means of determining which are early works , which late .
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