Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] called [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The First Vice President thanked the President and called upon the assembly to receive the Address with acclaim .
2 Ward waved him back to his seat and called to the waiter to bring the coffee .
3 On March 20 the opposition National Convention for the Restoration of Democracy [ see p. 37922 ] criticized the government for failing to uphold the pledges of its own programme and called for the formation of a government enjoying the nation 's confidence , which would institute real political change .
4 In the early eighteenth century the Piggot family decided to modernize their humble and rambling seventeenth-century manor and called in the best local builder , perhaps from Stanford in the Vale , a rather grand village displaying much architectural refinement .
5 But as I turned to go downstairs , my landlord , thinking he was alone , threw himself on the bed , pushed open the window and called into the darkness .
6 Cathy went into the little hall and called up the stairs .
7 Hearing of the arrest of Martin Luther King in Georgia , he telephoned King 's wife to express his sympathy and called for the release of the highly respected civil rights leader .
8 They reacted as Councillor Jill Sweeting made a heartfelt plea for special help for her slump-hit town and called on the Government to release funds for new houses for the homeless .
9 He said the yard 's remaining 1,800 jobs and more than 4,000 in companies which supply Swan Hunter were very much in danger and called on the Government to guarantee the remaining jobs by allowing the yard to complete the three frigates and by bringing forward future MoD orders .
10 Besides denying Dr Darsee government research funds for 10 years , the panel also recommended that Dr Darsee be excluded from serving on any NIH advisory committee for the same period and called for the heart institute to collect from the hospital the estimated cost of the aborted research put at $122 371 .
11 Senior Conservative MPs have already protested about the move and called on the Government to foot the £650m bill or risk losing key marginal seats at the next general election .
12 When details of a massive US arms package to Saudi Arabia were released in late August [ see below ] , Prime Minister Itzhak Shamir openly criticized the move and called on the USA to supply Israel with an equivalent package .
13 FoE urged Nirex to admit that it had the wrong design in the wrong place and called on the company to abandon the scheme .
14 The First Vice President , , assumed control of the Meeting and called on the President to address the Meeting .
15 On Dec. 4 King Bhumibol made a highly unusual intervention and called on the two sides to settle the affair peacefully .
16 Mr Mike Moore , opposition Labour Party leader , also welcomed the decision but called on the government and the Forum to put pressure on France to make the suspension permanent .
17 CONFERENCE delegates yesterday swept aside a warning from the party leadership and called for the next Labour government to take back into public ownership immediately land sold off by privatised water companies .
18 She drew on sensible boots and a warm woollen cape and called for the carriage to be brought round to the front .
19 Came into Harwich on the ferry and called in the Uni on the off-chance . ’
20 Jean-Paul finished his drink and called to the waiter for another .
21 Ward knocked back the rest of his tequila and called for the cuenta .
22 She and her accupuncturist partner , Richard Spindler , are now in serious debt , they say , because Lloyds lent them money without proper advice and called in the loan after overcharging them .
23 The party conference of March 1945 endorsed the policies outlined in the White Paper and called for the abandonment by industry and unions of restrictive practices .
24 The FNM attacked the size and cost of the new Cabinet and called for the resignation of Maynard and of Philip Bethel , who had been criticized for his stewardship of the Transport Ministry and the troubles of the state airline Bahamasair .
25 He gained a free hand from his ministerial colleagues to reconstruct the cabinet and called upon the Soviet to help defend the capital against ‘ counter-revolution ’ .
26 In a veiled attack on the military , Gnininvi warned against further intervention in the country 's move to multiparty democracy and called on the people to thwart " anti-democratic forces " .
27 When the plenum opened on March 12 , the MPRP general secretary Jambyn Batmönh announced his resignation and that of the seven-member politburo and called for the complete separation of the party and state , saying that the party would henceforth " prove its leading role in the society not constitutionally but with its deeds for happy future [ sic ] of the Mongolian people " .
28 Nurse Motley said that when it appeared that Kayley was about to suffer another respiratory attack , she had administered oxygen while Allitt had opened the door and called for the cardiac arrest team .
29 He reaffirmed his support for a Palestinian state and called on the Israeli government to enter into direct negotiations with the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) , but also denounced the Arab economic boycott of Israel and said that he would press the European Communities ( EC ) to pass measures opposing it .
30 The Interior Minister , Carlos Hurtado Cabrera , appealed for calm and called on the Sandinista People 's Army to help restore order .
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