Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] draw she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She allowed him to lead her back to the living-room , her defences momentarily lapsed so that when he paused on the threshold to slide an arm around her waist and draw her into his embrace she was too shocked to remonstrate .
2 Things that filled her with joy and drew her into the everyday lives of the two people she had loved for so many lonely years .
3 Even now the magnetism that drew her to him was so strong that if he knocked at her door and said he 'd changed his mind , in spite of everything , it might take more amor proprio than she could muster to refuse him .
4 He knelt down by her chair and drew her to him .
5 Effortlessly , he released the recalcitrant belt and drew her into his arms .
6 And slowly he took her hand and drew her to the window and there , pointing , said , ‘ Look at that !
7 Smiling , he took her hand and drew her to her feet .
8 He told himself that it was n't difficult — to lay a hand gently on her shoulder and draw her into the protection of his own body .
9 He closed his hand on her arm and drew her into the gloom of the passage .
10 Jenna stood in the doorway and glared up at him and he simply took her arm and drew her into the room , closing the door firmly .
11 Penry reached out a long arm and drew her in front of him so that she stood in the shelter of his arms as he held the wheel .
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