Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] we found out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's only since we saw the video that we found out whose boot it was .
2 just came up over night till we found out in the morning well you can see it ca n't you Oh you did you see it ? the swelling on your dad 's foot .
3 He commented : ‘ We were woken up with a jolt when we found out that Spinneys were going to be bought out by some ‘ jocks from over the border ’ .
4 We took up painting after we found out .
5 Wonder wh well what 's that , you know , be a bang so close well it was n't till , till some time after we found out that they 'd stationed a naval gun somewhere Newtown way and they 'd f fired this gun to , as a practice .
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