Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] she felt that " in BNC.

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1 Just as she felt ashamed and somehow responsible for the disgrace of her mother 's lover so she felt that the man 's attack had been her fault .
2 She worked very hard to get everything exactly right and would spend hours in her room sewing , unpicking and re-sewing until she felt that the clothes were perfect .
3 By the time she reached the village her face was pink with air and exercise and she felt that her nose was too .
4 Apart from the fact that she felt extremely foolish , her fears were now actually affecting her life and she felt that soon she would not be able to leave the house at all .
5 His tender , almost lazy exploration of her body swelled her love till she felt that if she died at this very moment she would have lived her life to the full .
6 He liked her taste while she felt that it was a ‘ most improper ’ suggestion as they were not even engaged .
7 She pretended a greater surprise than she felt that the leader of those upon the bridle path was Lord Wyatt .
8 The pupil pointed out to the teacher and the class that she felt that there is pervasive racial prejudice in the school , which the teachers failed to acknowledge .
9 The blood had run into Cecilia 's face and she felt that its hot presence under her skin must burn Daphne 's mouth .
10 At home she was becoming progressively more disorganized and dissatisfied with her role as wife and mother as she felt that all her attempts to exert control were undermined by her husband .
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