Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] she realise that " in BNC.

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1 She was lying on an examination couch before she realised that he had undressed , as well .
2 Knowing that there was nothing for it but to go and apologise and , if possible , explain that her regularly serviced car was misbehaving , Fabia had her hand on the door-handle when she realised that she had no need to move .
3 ‘ As daylight , ’ she snapped , before giving a heavy sigh as she realised that , yet again , the horrid man had succeeded in putting her in the wrong .
4 She had just identified the object as a large flat piece of cardboard when she realised that footsteps behind her had carried on .
5 It was a full minute before she realised that she was looking at a reflection of herself in the polished metal shield that Simon had propped against a tree to protect her from any stray arrows .
6 She blinked , momentarily blinded , then experienced a sense of shock as she realised that her early warning system , that nervous tingle that ran down her spine , had betrayed her as her vision cleared and she realised Niall was standing beside her .
7 Fabia was seated beside Ven in a taxi when she realised that furious would be an understatement for what Ven would be if he ever learned that she had not only deceived him but , to add insult to injury , allowed him , believing her to be someone else , to house her and feed her into the bargain .
8 She 'd checked the impulse when she realised that since Travis was being man enough not to ask that of her she really could not interfere , only for Rosemary to reiterate all she had told Travis before .
9 She was almost on top of the river before she realised that this was where the path was leading , and here she found another seat from which she could see a boat or two plaiting lazy fans of rippling wake through the smooth water .
10 She bit her lip , feeling the tension curling in hot little spirals in her stomach as she realised that once again he was slowly and insistently drawing her into one of those disturbingly intimate conversations .
11 In a fast sweep her eyes ran from the top of his dark head down to the tips of his elegant feet , and she bit back a groan as she realised that that tempting glimpse of his body had done nothing to prepare her for Luke Calder in the magnificent flesh .
12 She beat a retreat when she realised that she was going to get nothing further out of him .
13 Leith 's mouth fell open in surprise as she realised that this awful man thought she and Travis were sleeping together .
14 Mrs Coates came up with the idea when she realised that young people were finding their way into adult bars or congregating in the streets .
15 It was some time before she realised that she was n't just wide awake — she was hungry !
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