Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] it 's [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well , when it , when it is irrational it is operating either under the influence of the id or it 's overwhelmed by some external circumstances that it just ca n't understand the controls , therefore making all the wrong decisions and acting in a completely inadequate manner .
2 The , the minute , the note last time said a pool of cand , they , they will be told that a pool of possible candidat candidates will be contacted to attend for final interview once it 's decided to go ahead with the new appointment , so you could the thr the the three , or whatever it is that you are not putting forward , that their , that our interest in them has ceased
3 It 's been interesting these past few days to watch the energy of the sun through the effect that it 's had on the snow .
4 That 's the one for me because it 's so raunchy sounding and it 's got a real grit to it that I think is just fantastic .
5 Japanese , it 's a massive one , one er , it 's a thirty thousand gallon erm pond and it 's got , and it goes through a filter box and it 's four and a half tons of erm four and a half tons and that is a lot of
6 If the girl dies it will be murder and it 's happened in my area . ’
7 Once again that 's another one which is just a glance at the , at the programme if it 's presented one way and very difficult if it 's presented another way .
8 It 's got hair , eyes , nose and mouth and it 's got a big yellow sun , has n't it , shining over and it 's the bestest picture you 've ever seen since you last went to the art gallery .
9 It 's no good until it 's written down .
10 They 're they 're the whatsername So I 'm sending a couple of pound until it 's paid up .
11 So it 's not quite the same as this water analogy cos it 's got to have somewhere to go all the way round .
12 S er got one lone piece and it 's got a piece of wedge and it 's got another piece sticking up and something sticking out of that piece of branch or something sticking out of that .
13 is a vast neighbourhood and it 's got no outlet , where everything goes up and everything has to come back out again and all that goes along a small country road .
14 Three drawers down one side and it 's got it
15 There 's this big depot ship in the loch and it 's got a flotilla of submarines …
16 Mind her head on that wheel cos it 's got some if she gets it her hair wo n't she ?
17 on that side but it 's got a little bit of black on it , do you reckon that 's anything to do with it ?
18 Therapy has rocked the boat because it 's made me much more vulnerable .
19 I think that 's very important , it is specifically aimed at students , I mean I , this , this is no way a leaflet for the general public and , and one of the reasons is the explicitness because it 's aimed at students and that we did a lot of research with students , students were involved in the writing .
20 ‘ You must have a nose like a bloodhound ; sniff out a murder before it 's happened ! ’
21 The weight of the lorry , see the lorry weighs something itself so its total weight when it 's got its load on is eight hundred plus a hundred times the number of engines on it .
22 The same force when it 's applied to l look at this another way , what 's the acceleration ?
23 Mr Chairman I , I would support the proposal that it 's moved to the afternoon
24 of course goes on about what he always goes on about and er I would remind him that the supplementary estimates which is in the amendment here , is also in the amended motion which is proposed by the Conservatives and had all party support on every committee that it 's come to .
25 yeah , I 've had three applications all for the it 's only a small village albeit it 's spread
26 Gary O'Donaghue who 's a blind student preparing to finish his final year at Christ Church in Oxford says the government 's plan will cause havoc if it 's given the go-ahead .
27 Erm I 've got an information pack here which I 'll hand out at the end of the session and it 's got sort of four fairly erm useful leaflets in it .
28 Oh , so the head of the femur locks into this socket , this groove , this hollow and it 's held , what 's it held with ?
29 I ca n't , I just wan na sort of look out the window and it 's changed completely !
30 Let's read the second part of this question cos it 's taken us er quite some time to do it but excellent question .
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