Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] have grow [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Since the first edition of this book both the Matrimonial Homes ( Co-ownership ) Bill introduced in the House of Lords in 1980 ( which would have made provision for statutory co-ownership of the matrimonial home ) and the Land Registration of Law of Property Bill ( affecting the practice that has grown up following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland ) [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) have failed .
2 There are the end-of-tether diaries published as My Sister and Myself by his literary executor , Francis King , and any number of references in the voluminous literature that has grown up around the figure of E M Forster , whose acolyte Ackerley became between their first meeting in 1922 and his death , aged 71 , in 1967 .
3 While appreciating the sophistication and fluidity of de Gaulle 's conceptions , one can not overlook the extreme reactions they provoked at the time or the extensive and mostly critical academic literature that has grown up around them since then .
4 A genre that had grown out of the need for sensationalism did seem to be striking chords at a time of economic insecurity when cities seemed places of dislocation and when , if nothing else , there was a curiosity about how law-breakers operated .
5 Macmillan was not unaware of the stresses and strains that Sandys ' Reformation had caused in Whitehall ; nor of the lack of confidence that had grown up between Sandys and his principal advisers , the Chiefs of Staff .
6 Bournville , the community that has grown up around Cadbury 's Birmingham factory , is widely regarded as a company town , although from its foundation it has been open to people who do not work for the company and only a minority of the residents now have any link with Cadbury 's .
7 The duchess , recalling her own upbringing amidst a lively brood of brothers and sisters , recognized this , and was gratified by the devotion and closeness that had grown up between the girls .
8 There can be little truth in the legend that has grown up that the lift failed because of fundamental weaknesses of the track , a legend thoughtlessly reinforced by L.T.C. Rolt in ‘ Narrow Boat ’ .
9 The capital that has grown up around the old village of Muscat is a place of broad roads , shops , trees and flowers , imposing offices and graceful buildings in great variety .
10 One of the reasons that Britain habitually trails in this sort of event is the culture of dogged amateurism that has grown up in recent years .
11 Off-worlders are restricted to the spaceport and the small city that has grown up around it , but that was all right .
12 In a lifetime they have gone from a self-assured majority to a beleaguered minority , strangely distanced from the city that has grown up around them .
13 This analytical structure can be applied much more widely , including the design of administrative structures ; to think systematically and rationally about an educational system that has grown up ( as we saw ) in a wholly irrational and unplanned way can have disturbing and revolutionary effects .
14 It also stands accused of murdering the much-loved area around the old Bull Ring market that had grown up in piecemeal fashion over the 800 years since Birmingham was granted a market charter in 1150 .
15 Young people of the late sixties and early seventies who were more affluent , had more time and had grown up with an expectation of seeing more of the world , were able to travel far more easily than previous generations .
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